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(this is more of a rant, so I'm sorry in advance. I'm going through some shit, I'm okey but I needed to get this off my chest) ❤️

I get a gut wrenching feeling whenever I think back to that moment, leaving knowing I wouldn't be returning, you not knowing. I wish I could turn back time as easy as I can punish myself for the mistakes I've made.

I hurt someone I cared for, I stabbed the back of an innocent onlooker. I'm a monster, a parasite that leeched off the happiness of him, and when that wasn't enough, I ran away to another. People like me are the problem in this world, we scavenge off others to survive, then scurry away when things change.

I'm a monster, a horrid person who deserves nothing. You defended me until the very end, probably to save your own feelings from being crushed more, all whilst I was with someone else.

I hate myself. I hate my mind. I hate my heart. I hate time. I hate everything.

I need to heal... but I don't deserve to. I message you instead, telling I was sorry, hoping my grieving would end... it hasn't. It will never go away, not until the very end.

I hate myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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