**Chapter 3: Sultan Draupadi's Fiery Retaliation**

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In the days that followed the attempted invasion, tensions simmered between Sultan Draupadi's kingdom and the neighboring Sultanate of Mangolia. Rumors of a possible alliance between Mangolia and other hostile kingdoms circulated, prompting Draupadi to summon her council for urgent deliberations.

As the council convened in the opulent chambers of the palace, Sultan Draupadi, resplendent in royal attire adorned with symbols of her lineage and power, listened intently to the reports brought by her advisors. Her brow furrowed with concern as she weighed the implications of Mangolia's aggression.

Meanwhile, outside the council chambers, the Pandavas conferred quietly among themselves, their voices hushed yet filled with determination. Yudhisthira, the eldest and most diplomatic among them, spoke first, his tone grave yet measured, "This alliance they seek... It threatens not just Draupadi's kingdom, but the stability of the entire region."

Bhima, his usual boisterous self subdued by the seriousness of the situation, clenched his fists in silent fury, "They dare to challenge Draupadi's rule? They will regret provoking us."

Arjuna, the warrior with a keen sense of strategy, nodded in agreement, his eyes glittering with resolve, "We must be prepared for any eventuality. Mangolia will not hesitate to strike again."

Nakula, ever the voice of reason, suggested, "Perhaps a diplomatic envoy could be sent to Mangolia. We may yet find a peaceful resolution."

Sahadeva, the thoughtful strategist, added, "Or we prepare our defenses. We cannot afford to underestimate our enemies."

Inside the council chambers, tensions reached a boiling point as Sultan Draupadi confronted the emissary from Mangolia, a sultan known for his arrogance and thirst for power. His demands were met with icy silence from Draupadi, who rose to her feet with a grace that belied the storm brewing within her.

"You insult my kingdom with your baseless accusations and threats," Draupadi's voice rang out, her words carrying the weight of authority and defiance. "Know this, Sultan of Mangolia: my people will not bow to your tyranny. If you seek conflict, you will find it."

With those words, Sultan Draupadi delivered a slap across the face of the Mangolian emissary, a resounding echo of her fiery spirit and unwavering resolve. The council gasped in shock, while outside, the Pandavas exchanged knowing glances. They understood that Draupadi's action was not just a gesture of defiance but a declaration of war against those who sought to undermine her rule.

As tensions escalated, the Pandavas knew that their allegiance to Sultan Draupadi would be tested like never before. Together, they stood ready to defend her kingdom, their hearts bound by loyalty and a shared determination to uphold justice in the face of adversity.

*To be continued...*

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