**Chapter 95: A Mother's Rebuke**

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The tension in the air was palpable as Sultana Draupadi stood before her mother, her cheeks still stinging from the slap. Her mother, Shikhandi, eyes blazing with concern and frustration, had reached her breaking point.

"How could you, Draupadi?" Shikhandi's voice was sharp, yet laced with deep worry. "You have been neglecting your husbands, your children, and even your brothers. And now, you neglect your own health!"

The Pandavas, their children, and Draupadi's brothers, Krishna and Balarama, had gathered at the sound of the commotion. They watched in stunned silence, unsure of how to intervene.

Draupadi, however, stood tall, her eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and determination. "Stand where you are or leave," she commanded, her voice firm but respectful. "She is my mother. She has every right to slap me as her daughter."

The room remained silent, all eyes on the confrontation between mother and daughter.

Shikhandi stepped closer, her expression softening as she cupped Draupadi's face in her hands. "My dear daughter," she said more gently, "you carry so many burdens. But you must remember to take care of yourself too. Your family needs you. Your kingdom needs you. But we need you healthy and strong."

Draupadi nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes, mother," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I promise to give attention to everyone. I will not neglect my duties as a wife, a mother, a sister, and a ruler."

"And will you neglect your food?" Shikhandi pressed, her concern evident. "Your health is more important than anything else. Do you understand?"

"No, mother," Draupadi said, her voice stronger now. "I will not neglect my food. I understand, mother. I will take better care of myself."

The tension in the room began to dissipate as Draupadi and her mother embraced, tears of understanding and reconciliation flowing freely.

The Pandavas, their children, and Draupadi's brothers exchanged looks of utter shock and newfound respect for the Sultana. Whispered conversations filled the room as they processed the scene they had just witnessed.

Yudhisthira stepped forward, his voice calm and reassuring. "We will all support you, Draupadi. Together, we are stronger."

Bhima nodded, his fierce protectiveness evident. "Your well-being is our priority."

Arjuna, always perceptive, added, "We are here for you, no matter what."

Nakula and Sahadeva, the youngest but no less devoted, echoed their brothers' sentiments. "We love you, Draupadi. We are always by your side."

Krishna and Balarama, standing a bit apart, nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with brotherly affection.

Draupadi looked around at her family, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Thank you," she said, her voice steady. "With all of you by my side, I know I can balance my duties and take care of myself."

As the sun set, casting a warm glow over the palace, the family stood united, stronger than ever in their bonds of love and support. And in that moment, Draupadi knew that with their unwavering support, she could face any challenge that lay ahead.

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