**Chapter 108: Legacy of Retribution**

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The kingdom of Yadav mourned deeply as news of the tragic deaths of Sultan Devika, Sultan Valandra, and Sultan Subhadra spread like wildfire. They had fallen in battle, defending their kingdom with valor and courage to the very end. Their loss was felt deeply by their families, their loved ones, and all who had known them.

In the midst of mourning, Sultan Draupadi, now aged and wise, felt a surge of grief and fury unlike any she had experienced before. Her heart shattered into pieces at the loss of her dear sisters-in-law, each of whom had been her pillar of strength and support through the years.

As the kingdom gathered to pay their respects, whispers of vengeance filled the air. It was revealed that Sultan Selcun Hatun, ruler of a neighboring kingdom, had orchestrated the attack that had led to the deaths of Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra. She had sought to weaken Yadav and expand her own influence.

Sultan Draupadi, despite her age, stood tall and resolute. Clad in mourning attire, her eyes burned with an intensity that could not be quenched. She knew what had to be done.

Gathering her closest advisors and generals, Sultan Draupadi made preparations for war. Her grief transformed into a steely resolve as she vowed to avenge the deaths of her beloved sisters-in-law. She planned meticulously, drawing upon decades of strategic wisdom and the fierce loyalty of her people.

The day of reckoning arrived swiftly. The armies of Yadav marched forth, led by Sultan Draupadi herself, their banners flying high with determination. Across the battlefield stood Sultan Selcun Hatun and her forces, confident in their superiority.

The clash was fierce and unforgiving, each side fighting with a ferocity born of desperation and determination. Sultan Draupadi, wielding her sword with unmatched skill and courage, sought out Sultan Selcun Hatun amidst the chaos. Their eyes locked in a silent exchange of fury and determination.

In a swift and decisive duel, Sultan Draupadi's blade met Sultan Selcun Hatun's with a resounding clash. The battle raged around them, but in that moment, there was only the relentless pursuit of justice.

With a final, decisive strike, Sultan Draupadi overpowered her adversary. Sultan Selcun Hatun fell to the ground, defeated and humbled. The battlefield grew quiet as the news spread among the combatants.

Sultan Draupadi stood over her fallen enemy, her chest heaving with exhaustion and grief. The weight of loss and victory mingled within her, but there was no triumph in this moment. Only the bitter realization of the cost paid in blood and sacrifice.

As the sun set over the battlefield, Sultan Draupadi returned to Yadav victorious yet heavy-hearted. She had fulfilled her vow of vengeance, but it had come at a great cost. The loss of Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra weighed heavily upon her soul.

In the quiet of her chamber that night, Sultan Draupadi mourned deeply for her sisters-in-law and all who had fallen in the war. She prayed for their souls and vowed to honor their memory for as long as she lived.

The legacy of Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra would endure in the hearts and minds of their loved ones and the kingdom of Yadav. Their sacrifice would not be forgotten, and their names would be whispered with reverence for generations to come.

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