**Chapter 89: Draupadi's Revenge**

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The next morning dawned bright and warm in the kingdom of Yadav. Draupadi, still amused by the previous day's water prank by the Pandavas, decided it was time to turn the tables on her mischievous husbands.

As the Pandavas gathered in the courtyard for their morning training session, Draupadi quietly slipped away to enact her plan. She knew exactly how to execute her revenge in a way that would catch them off guard.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Draupadi filled several buckets with cool water from the palace fountain. She enlisted the help of some palace attendants to strategically position the buckets around the training grounds.

Meanwhile, the Pandavas, unaware of Draupadi's plotting, were going about their morning routines, preparing for their drills under the guidance of their martial arts instructor.

Just as the training session commenced and the Pandavas began their rigorous exercises, Draupadi signaled to the attendants. With swift and coordinated movements, they overturned the buckets, showering the Pandavas with a cascade of cold water.

Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva were taken completely by surprise as the cold water drenched their clothes and left them shivering in the morning breeze. Their instructor paused mid-sentence, momentarily stunned by the unexpected downpour.

Draupadi burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement at their startled expressions and soaked attire. "Now we're even, Pandavas!" she called out playfully.

Yudhisthira, recovering quickly from the shock, chuckled along with his brothers. "Well played, Draupadi," he conceded, his voice laced with admiration for her retaliation.

Bhima, always one to appreciate a good prank, grinned broadly despite his wet clothes. "I guess we deserved that," he admitted, shaking his head in mock defeat.

Arjuna, wringing out his sleeves with a smile, nodded in agreement. "Consider us properly pranked, Draupadi," he said, his tone filled with affection.

Nakula and Sahadeva exchanged amused glances, thoroughly enjoying the playful banter. "You certainly know how to keep us on our toes, Draupadi," Sahadeva remarked with a laugh.

As the Pandavas and Draupadi joined in laughter, the morning training session resumed with a renewed sense of camaraderie and joy. Draupadi's revenge prank had brought them closer together, strengthening their bond through shared moments of fun and mischief.

Throughout the day, the kingdom of Yadav echoed with the laughter of its rulers, a testament to the love and harmony that defined their unique family.

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