Chapter Twelve: The Thieves' Betrayal

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The mansion was quiet as the team gathered in the grand hall, discussing their next move. The real artifacts lay on the table, their power humming softly. Lyra, Nyx, Eva, Ravenna, Fenris, Ragnar, Mira, and Seraphina were deep in conversation when they heard a faint noise from the corridor.

Nyx glanced up, her eyes narrowing. "Did you hear that?"

Before anyone could respond, two figures slipped into the room, their faces masked and cloaked in shadows. In a flash, the thieves lunged for the artifacts. The room erupted in chaos as the team sprang into action, but the thieves were quick and coordinated. One thief grabbed the Crystal of Shadows and the Staff of Dominion, while the other seized the Flame of Eternity and the Orb of Time.

"Stop them!" Lyra shouted, but it was too late. The thieves dashed toward the exit, the artifacts clutched tightly in their hands.

Just as they reached the door, one thief hesitated, glancing back at the other. "Marry, wait!" he called out, but his sister did not stop. She disappeared into the night, leaving her brother behind.

The remaining thief turned to face Lyra and her allies, his hands raised in surrender. "I don't want to fight," he said urgently. "I can help you."

Fenris and Ragnar moved to restrain him, but Lyra held up a hand. "Wait," she said, her eyes fixed on the thief. "Who are you?"

The thief pulled down his mask, revealing a young man with striking features and a look of determination in his eyes. "My name is Elias," he said. "And my sister is Marry. She's taking the artifacts to Talon Nightshade."

Ravenna's eyes narrowed. "Why should we trust you?"

Elias sighed, looking genuinely regretful. "Because I want to bring honor back to the Crows. Talon's path of destruction isn't the way. I can tell you what he's planning with those artifacts, and I'll help you stop him."

Nyx stepped forward, scrutinizing Elias. "Alright, Elias. Start talking. What's Talon planning?"

Elias took a deep breath, glancing around the room at the wary faces. "Talon believes that with the power of the Crystal of Shadows, the Staff of Dominion, the Flame of Eternity, and the Orb of Time, he can become invincible. He intends to use their combined power to plunge the world into eternal darkness and bend it to his will."

Eva's eyes widened. "He's going to use the artifacts to amplify his control over darkness, fire, time, and minds."

Elias nodded. "Yes. If he succeeds, no one will be able to stand against him. But I know where he's taking the artifacts. I can lead you to him."

Lyra exchanged a glance with her allies, weighing Elias's words. "If you're truly sincere about helping us, then we need to act quickly. We can't let Talon get away with this."

Elias looked relieved. "I am sincere. My sister... she's been blinded by Talon's promises. I want to save her too, if I can."

Nyx placed a reassuring hand on Elias's shoulder. "We'll do everything we can. But first, we need to stop Talon."

As they gathered their gear and prepared to follow Elias's lead, Lyra felt a renewed sense of determination. With Elias's help, they had a chance to reclaim the artifacts and thwart Talon's plans. The path ahead would be dangerous, but they were ready to face it together.

As the team moved out, guided by Elias, Lyra couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Despite the betrayal and the looming threat of Talon Nightshade, they had gained a new ally and a crucial advantage. They were united in their quest for peace, and with each step, they grew stronger.

With Elias's guidance and their combined strength, they would confront Talon and reclaim the artifacts. They would bring honor back to the Crows and the Wolves and pave the way for a future where both factions could coexist in harmony. The journey would be perilous, but together, they were unstoppable.

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