Chapter Eighty-Five: The Portal and the Demon King

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Set stood in a hidden chamber deep beneath the ruins of an ancient temple, the air thick with dust and the remnants of forgotten magic. Before him, shimmering faintly in the dim light, was the portal. It was an ancient, ornate archway, etched with symbols and runes that pulsed with a faint, otherworldly glow. He had finally found it, but its secrets remained locked away, tantalizingly out of reach.

Set's frustration was mounting. He had searched tirelessly for this portal, driven by the dark voice's promises of unparalleled power. But now that he had found it, he realized he had no idea how to activate it. The symbols and runes were unfamiliar, their meanings lost to time.

As Set pondered his next move, a dark presence filled the chamber. The temperature dropped, and the shadows seemed to grow deeper, more oppressive. From the depths of the darkness, a figure emerged. Tall and imposing, with eyes that glowed like embers and a wicked smile playing on his lips, the figure exuded an aura of malevolent power.

"Greetings, Set," the figure said, his voice a low, rumbling growl that seemed to reverberate through the chamber. "I am Zen-Aku, the Demon King. I have been sent by a mutual friend—the voice in your head."

Set's eyes narrowed as he studied the newcomer. "You were sent by the voice? What do you know about this portal?"

Zen-Aku's smile widened, revealing sharp, gleaming teeth. "I know how to open it," he said simply. "The portal requires a specific incantation and a sacrifice of great power. Fortunately, I possess the knowledge and the means to provide both."

Set's curiosity was piqued. "And why would you help me?"

Zen-Aku stepped closer, his eyes never leaving Set's. "Because our goals align. I seek chaos and destruction, just as you do. Together, we can unleash forces that will bring this world to its knees. The voice sees great potential in our alliance."

Set considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. Show me how to open the portal."

Zen-Aku raised his hands, and a dark, pulsating energy began to emanate from them. He chanted in a language that seemed older than time itself, the words echoing off the walls of the chamber. The runes on the portal began to glow brighter, responding to the power of the incantation.

With a final, powerful gesture, Zen-Aku completed the ritual. The air crackled with energy, and the portal began to hum with a low, resonant sound. Slowly, it began to open, revealing a swirling vortex of light and shadow.

Set watched in awe as the portal came to life. He could feel the immense power radiating from it, promising untold possibilities and the means to crush his enemies once and for all.

"Now," Zen-Aku said, his voice filled with dark anticipation, "let us unleash the horrors of the multiverse upon our foes. The time for subtlety is over. We will drown them in darkness."

As Set and Zen-Aku prepared to step through the portal, a sense of foreboding filled the chamber. The forces of light and darkness were about to collide in a battle that would determine the fate of all realms. And with the Demon King by his side, Set's quest for ultimate power had just begun.

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