"A Step Too Far."

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Ben's Pov 

Once we went to the room, I was still thinking about everything that happened at dinner. My mind was so confused; I didn't know what to do. I was very anxious and scared about everything Marco's dad told me. My mind was messed up, and Marco saw this. He was silent for a moment and then told me to sleep and not to worry. He didn't know what I was really thinking—he thought I was just overwhelmed by the dinner. He didn't know the actual reason for my anxiety.

I just gave him a nod and lay down next to him. He maintained a respectful distance on the bed, making sure I was comfortable. In a few minutes, he fell asleep. But I couldn't. I was still thinking about everything, and I was so annoyed and anxious. So, I slowly got up and left the room, went to the main entrance, and sneaked out of the house.

The problem was the guards. I knew I had to sneak out somehow, so I went to the end of the wall. It wasn't very high, so I could jump and run. I did it, and it was almost 3 AM. I didn't know where to go or what to do. It was a bad idea; I knew Marco would kill me for this step. But I was scared and didn't know anything, so I just ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I kept running.

It was almost an hour of walking, and I was so tired. I just sat and laid down, and within a minute, I fell asleep. By the time I woke up, it was bright, and I could hear the birds chirping. The first thing I saw was a lake near where I had slept. I could only think of one thing: swimming. I got naked and went for a swim. I was so relaxed, but suddenly, I heard something. I turned around and saw Marco and his four men.

I was so scared, but when Marco saw I was naked, he asked his men to turn around and go back. I knew this could be the last day of my life because I knew what Marco might do to me.

Marco's pov 

I woke up parched and took some time to find the light switch. After turning it on, I drank water from the jug on the bedside table. As I was about to turn off the light, I noticed Ben wasn't in bed. I thought he might be in the washroom, so I waited for a few minutes. But when he didn't come out, I knocked on the door, asking, "Kitten, are you there?"

There was no response. I warned him that if he didn't come out, I'd break the door down. Still no response. So, I kicked the door open, but it was unlocked. Ben wasn't in there. I searched the room and then noticed the door to the hallway was open. I went downstairs and saw the main door was open too.

I knew something was wrong. I called everyone—Dad, Mom, Liam, and a few of my men. When they arrived, I asked the men by the gate if they had seen Ben. They said no. I was so angry I almost killed them on the spot. I told them to search the house. Meanwhile, I asked Liam to check the security cameras.

Liam went to review the footage while the men searched the house. They returned, saying Ben wasn't anywhere in the building. Liam came back with the footage, clearly showing Ben running away and climbing over the small wall. I was furious. I wanted to kill the men who failed to do their job properly.

I told my men to find Ben within half an hour or they would face my wrath. While waiting, I seethed with anger, planning what I would do when I found him. The men returned, saying they couldn't find him nearby. My parents tried to calm me down.

Then I remembered that Ben had his phone with him. I decided to track him. The GPS showed he was about an hour and a half away. I decided to go with four of my men. I instructed Liam to return to our house and prepare the dark room, though Liam and my mom insisted not to, saying it was unnecessary. But my anger overrode their concerns.

We reached the location indicated by the tracker and got out of the car to search for Ben. I heard giggling and followed the sound until I saw Ben swimming naked in a lake. My men saw him too. When Ben turned and saw me, his happy face changed to one of fear as he saw my furious expression.

I told my men to turn around and wait at a distance. I called out to Ben, telling him to come out and get dressed, warning him that if I had to come and get him, it wouldn't be good. Ben slowly walked out of the lake, and for the first time, I saw his naked body. Although a part of me wanted to ravish him, I knew this wasn't the time. I handed him his clothes and tightly grabbed his hand, leading him to the car.

Once we were inside, I ordered my men to drive us back to our house. Ben was shivering and scared. In a very heavy voice, I told him, "Kitten, you took a very wrong step. You're going to face the consequences." Ben pleaded for forgiveness, but my anger was too intense to listen. I knew I shouldn't be too harsh on him, but he did deserve some punishment.

Author's note 

Hello people,

I found some time and gave you an update! Here it is. I know it might not be what you expect, so please let me know your ideas for the future moves in the story. As always, criticism is welcomed. Please share, vote, and like.


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