Shadows of the Past

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Marco's Pov 

Once we reached the house, Liam and Enzo were standing in the hall, while Miss Agatha was worrying about Ben. As soon as we entered, Miss Agatha ran toward me, pleading for Ben's forgiveness and promising to explain everything to him. But I didn't listen. I gave her a glare that she understood all too well.

Ben was visibly scared, pleading to be heard, but I ignored him. I pulled him to a corner of the house where Liam, Enzo, and Miss Agatha joined me. Ben kept crying and pleading, but I remained resolute. I brought him in front of the dark room and told him, "Kitten, your punishment is to stay in this room until I decide you've learned your lesson."

Despite his desperate pleas, I pushed him into the room and closed the door. His cries and shaky voice tugged at my heart, but he needed to understand the consequences of his actions. I warned Liam, Enzo, and Miss Agatha not to open the door until I said so, and then I left.

I set a timer for an hour. I didn't want to be too harsh on him, knowing how scared he was of the dark. I returned to the office room to work, and for a while, I could hear Ben's cries. But then, the house fell silent, and I felt a pang of worry. Still, I waited for the timer to ring, anxious but determined to follow through with the punishment.

Ben's Pov 

Once I was inside the room, I couldn't stop crying. I was pleading desperately for Marco to open the door and listen to me, to understand why I had done it. The darkness enveloped me, amplifying my fear and anxiety. I sank to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest, my sobs echoing off the walls.

"Marco, please," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just... I needed to clear my head."

I could hear my own heartbeat, thudding loudly in the silence. Every sound seemed to magnify, making me jump at the slightest creak. My mind raced, filled with thoughts of what Marco might be thinking, of the consequences I might face.

"Please, Marco," I continued to plead, my voice cracking. "I was scared. I didn't know what else to do."

I tried to calm myself, taking deep breaths, but the fear was overwhelming. The minutes felt like hours as I sat there, waiting, hoping that Marco would come back and let me out. I could still hear faint sounds from outside the room—footsteps, murmurs, and the occasional creak of the house settling.

"Marco, I'm sorry," I whispered into the darkness. "Please, just give me a chance to explain."

My tears continued to flow, and my body shook with the intensity of my emotions. I didn't know how much time had passed, but every second felt like an eternity. I clung to the hope that Marco would come back soon, that he would listen to me and understand why I had acted the way I did.

It felt like ages when the door finally opened. The moment I saw the sliver of light from the hallway, I didn't wait to see who had opened it—I just ran. I sprinted out of the dark room and didn't stop until I reached the safety of my own room. My heart was pounding, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I locked myself in the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and sat down under the cold spray, letting the water pour over me. My tears mingled with the water, and I felt utterly overwhelmed. Memories from my past began to surface, vivid and painful. I could see flashes of my childhood, the times when I felt helpless and vulnerable. The water running down my skin brought back the sensation of unwelcome touches, and my body started to shiver uncontrollably.

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to fend off the chill that seemed to penetrate my very bones. The cold water was numbing, but it couldn't wash away the deep-seated anxiety that was taking hold of me. I felt like I was drowning in my own fears and memories, the weight of it all pressing down on me.

Suddenly, the bathroom door burst open, and Marco ran in. He took one look at me and quickly turned off the shower, then knelt down beside me, wrapping his arms around my trembling body. His touch was firm and reassuring, but I couldn't bring myself to respond. I was too lost in my own turmoil.

"Ben, it's okay," Marco said softly, his voice a soothing balm. "I'm here. You're safe."

I wanted to push him away, to tell him I didn't need his help, but I couldn't find the strength. Instead, I closed my eyes and let myself be held. The warmth of his embrace slowly began to seep into my bones, chasing away some of the cold. I could feel his heartbeat against my back, steady and strong, a stark contrast to my own racing pulse.

"Please, Ben, talk to me," Marco urged gently. "I need to understand what you're going through."

I took a shaky breath, trying to gather my thoughts. The anxiety was still there, but Marco's presence was beginning to calm me, if only a little. I knew I had to find the words to explain, to make him understand why I had run, why I was so afraid.

"Marco," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "It's... it's my past. I couldn't handle it. The darkness, the memories... it was too much."

He held me tighter, his hand gently stroking my hair. "I'm so sorry, Ben. I didn't realize how much it would affect you. I just wanted to keep you safe."

I nodded, the tears still flowing. "I know. But it brought back everything. I felt like I was back there, helpless and scared."

Marco sighed, a deep sound filled with regret. "I never want you to feel that way again, Ben. I'm here to protect you, not to hurt you."

His words were a lifeline, pulling me back from the edge. I leaned into him, my body still shivering, but the tight knot of fear in my chest was slowly beginning to loosen. Marco's presence, his warmth, was enough to remind me that I wasn't alone. And maybe, just maybe, I could start to believe that I was truly safe with him.

Hello people,

I found some time and gave you an update! Here it is. I know it might not be what you expect, so please let me know your ideas for the future moves in the story. As always, criticism is welcomed. Please share, vote, and like.



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