Morning Surprises and Dark Secrets

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Marco's POV:

Morning came soon, bringing with it a cozy warmth. I woke up to see a small figure held tightly against me—it was my kitten. He looked so cute curled up on me, and I never wanted to let him go. But then came the problem of my morning wood. It was getting harder, and I didn't know what to do. So, I slowly got up, making sure not to wake Ben, and went into the bathroom.

I pulled my pants down and started rubbing my hand over my shaft, thinking about how my kitten would look down when I would be railing him. The thought made me jerk faster, and soon enough, I came in loads. Trying to shift my mind away from those thoughts, I took a bath.

After getting dressed, I came out and saw Ben still sleeping peacefully. I went near him, ruffled his hair, and gently woke him up.

"Kitten, wake up. It's time," I said softly.

He mumbled something, rubbing his eyes, which was so cute. I smiled and said, "Good morning," before leaning in to kiss him on the lips. He pulled back, mumbling that his breath stinks, making me chuckle.

"Go freshen up, and we'll go down for breakfast," I said, watching as he nodded sleepily and got out of bed.

Ben woke up, rubbing his eyes adorably before making his way to the restroom. I couldn't help but notice his cute ass, which looked so tempting that I wanted to have it for breakfast. But I controlled myself.

Fifteen minutes later, he came back with just a towel wrapped around him. The sight of him, fresh from the shower and slightly wet, was almost too much to bear. I took a deep breath and said in a very deep voice, "Kitten, if you come like this, it will be very difficult for me to control myself and not fuck you."

He looked at me with wide eyes, a mix of surprise and something else, before turning and heading back to the closet to change. When he returned, he was dressed neatly, looking absolutely adorable yet again.

"That's better," I said with a smirk, trying to keep things light even though my heart was racing.

We made our way downstairs, and as soon as we reached the bottom, I noticed Ben's eyes widen with joy. His whole face lit up, and without a word, he ran into the hall.

As I followed Ben into the hall, I saw the reason for his happiness. The room was decorated with fresh flowers, and a beautiful breakfast spread was laid out on the table. My family, including my parents, Liam, Enzo, and Miss Agatha, were there, along with Ben's friends Ella, Kian, and Lucas.

Ben ran and hugged his friends, his face glowing with joy. I didn't know why they were here, but seeing him so happy made it okay. He came back to me, wrapping his arms around me and whispering, "Thank you," before we all sat down to enjoy breakfast.

The hall was filled with laughter and chatter as we ate. It was a pleasant, lively morning, with everyone in high spirits. But soon, it was time for us to leave for work. Dad, Liam, Enzo, and I had a busy day ahead, so we prepared to head out.

Mom decided she would take Ben, Ella, Kian, and Lucas out for a fun time. The kids were hesitant at first, but she insisted until they agreed. Before leaving, I asked Ben to meet me in our room.

When he came, I pulled him close. "Enjoy your day, Kitten. There will be a surprise for you tonight, so be ready," I said, brushing my lips against his. He kissed me back, and I felt a rush of excitement for the night ahead.

"I can't wait," he whispered, and I kissed him again before we parted.

The day at work was hectic. We first attended a board meeting at the office, which took almost three hours. Once it was done, we left for an underground meeting. There was chaos as our information had been leaked, and we had to address it.

We arrived at the underground location, where the arrangements were already made. The three men who had betrayed us were tied up, hanging naked, waiting for their punishment. The fear in their eyes was palpable, and I felt a cold satisfaction.

I called out the punishment. Three men came forward with spanking floppers and knives, and the ordeal began. They started hitting the traitors, drawing blood, and then adding salt and lemon to the wounds before hitting them again. Their screams echoed through the room.

It was my turn. I took a knife and slid it across their nipples, twisting it to amplify their pain. The screams grew louder. Then, I handed the knife to Dad. He wanted to deliver the final blow. He stood in front of the traitors, aiming carefully before shooting each one in the penis. One down. Two down. Three down. Dead.

I stood before the remaining men, my voice deep and authoritative. "Listen up. If anyone dares to cheat me, this is what you will face. Be true to me." The room fell silent, the weight of my words sinking in.

On the way back, Dad asked, "Does Ben know anything about the mafia business? If not, when will you tell him? You know he won't handle it well if someone else tells him. Think, Marco."

His words echoed in my mind. I knew I had to tell Ben, and I decided that tonight, during the surprise, would be the time. If he didn't accept it, I would make him understand. He needed to know the truth.

Author's Note:

Hello, wonderful readers!

I found some time and decided to give you an update. Here it is! I know it might not be what you were expecting, but I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know your thoughts and ideas for the future direction of the story. Any feedback and constructive criticism are always welcomed and appreciated. Don't forget to share, vote, and like the chapter if you enjoyed it.

Thank you for your continued support!

Warm regards.

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