Chapter 10

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"What were you thinking, Reiven?!"

My eyes darted to my fists. They were red and had small open wounds, the blood also dried already which made me stand up to wash them in the kitchen's sink. My mother followed me as she scolds me non-stop.

"Didn't I talk to you both about this?" she turned to the other side of the kitchen, where that bullshit bastard sits. I leaned on the sink with my jaw tightened and gave him deathly glares.

"I just went to visit his wife," he smirked. My eyes immediately went dark. I was about to attack him again when my father tightly grabbed me by the arm.

I looked into my mother's eyes; she was pleading with me. I turned to my father, and he just looked away. I breathe heavily out of frustration and madness. You got to be fucking kidding me. My father loosened his grip on me after I struggled from his hold. I want to go home.

"The next time you come after my wife again," I leaned in as my eyes were furiously staring at Johan, fists curling into a ball; wanting to attack his face and destroy it. "I won't fucking consider everything, Johan."

I kicked the stool where his fucking ass rests when he laughed at me. Johan threw daggers stares at me when he almost fell. "Fuck you, Reiven."

"We talked about it, didn't we? So, tell me, what the fuck are you trying pull on?" I gritted my teeth.

He smirked at me. I tried so hard to control myself, calling to God for help not to let me grab his face and slam it against this table on our side. Johan stood up to face me with a mischievous look on his face. It irritated me more. His wounded right eye makes me want to break the other one.

"Stop it now, please," my mother's voice rang in my ears. "Johan. Go home."

Despite what's happening, it's still a good thing for me that Johan still knows how to listen to my parents. He bid them a goodbye, bumping my shoulder after when he passed by me like a fucking high school boy before he went out.

"Putang ina..." I hissed under my breath. I closed my eyes tightly as I sat on the stool.

"Give it a time, Reiven," my father tried to convince me.

"No!" I shouted. I stormed out of my parents' house, jumping into my car to drive back home. My hands gripped the steering wheel while I remembered my wife's face when I dragged Johan out of her office. I sighed heavily, thinking how I would face her when I got home.

From: Camellia
Johan is here at my office.

I drove her to the company this morning, and I was just about to leave the building after I dropped her off when I got the message. I almost flew towards her office earlier. Johan never listens to what I say. I warned him before, about everything, especially about Flora. I stopped in front of our apartment door, sighing to myself. Is she home already?

When I went inside, the darkness greeted me. My shoulders dropped as I felt all my strength leaving my body. I'm fucking tired, physically and mentally. I was about to walk towards the couch without switching the lights on when I caught a glimpse of light coming from the kitchen.

Flora was in the kitchen eating her dinner alone. She keeps on glancing at my usual spot. Judging by her face, she's entirely bothered and more worried compared to all the worries I saw from her before. I stared at her for a long period of time without making a noise, and that's where I confirmed that my wife is in deep thought.

She only noticed me when she stood up from her seat, bringing the plates with her soft and bare hands. "Oh, shit! Sorry... how long have you been there?"

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