HWHP Finale

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Taehyung bit his bottom lip as he waited for Jungkook

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Taehyung bit his bottom lip as he waited for Jungkook. He had just told the other that they will be going on a date and that caused the younger to squeal and jumped in happiness. They had not spend that much time in 2 weeks as Taehyung was too occupied with asking the others for ideas on his upcoming proposal.

"Oh, I do hope the hyungs are ready with the preparation" He whispers to himself as he hears the door open. He looks up and felt a smile come up to his face as he sees Jungkook. The younger looked beautiful, it got him mesmerized that it caused him to space out.

Jungkook had to snap him out of it.
"Aigoo, hyung~" He says and Taehyung chuckles, rubbing his nape.
"Are you ready to go?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook kisses his cheek before nodding.
"Of course! I missed having dates with you" Jungkook says, huffing.

"Oh, I know. I'm sorry, darling... I have just been busy with work" Taehyung says as he tucks a hair behind his ear.
"I understand, hyung! No need to worry, come on!" Jungkook pulls Taehyung's hand and they start walking.

Meanwhile with the others...

"What the fuck, Yoongi?! Stand up! We don't need you being lazy right now, they could arrive soon!" Jin scolded the other, who was laying on the ground with closed eyes.
"I am tired" Yoongi says, huffing.

"We all are, idiot! Please, just this once and then after this proposal and if Jungkook says yes, you can sleep all you want without anyone bothering you" Jin says and Yoongi sighs before he stood up and went back with helping.

"Please don't let Namjoon touch the knives... Let him use a peeler to peel potatoes or something" Jin whispers and Yoongi nodded.
"Oh, I was thinking of that" Yoongi agreed with him and went to the kitchen.
"Let him play the saxophone later too" Jin chuckles and Yoongi gives him a thumbs up.

"Jiminie! Stop playing around!" Hoseok says, huffing as he watches Jimin playfully blow out the candles he had been lighting.
"Sto— they're here!" Hoseok says as he sees the car pull up.

"We're done! Everyone hide!" Jin says and everyone scattered to hide into their places.

"Woah, this is beautiful, hyung" Jungkook says as he looks around with shining eyes.
"Yeah, I had the hyungs help me with this" Taehyung pulls a chair for Jungkook to sit on, smiling as he places a kiss on his forehead.
"Why are we here?" Jungkook asks as he sees the food on the table. It was already placed there.

"Well, I have been preparing this for the past two weeks... Well, I had some failed ideas so I had the hyungs think of it for me" Taehyung says, scratching his nape.
"Hmm?" Jungkook tilts his head and then the television turned on and a scenes of them being lovey dovey together shows up.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile and after a good three minutes, Taehyung is shown on the screen, all by himself. Taehyung starts talking..

"Hi, baby! It's me! Your Taehyungie, your love, all of the call names you've given me that I adore and love so much! It's been so many years since we started dating. I remember how you look when we first met, those big beautiful bambi eyes that I love so much I could stare at it everyday... Oh, how I love you so much, my love... You don't know how much you've made me happy for all those years. You don't know how you made me feel so loved, cared, and how I love doing the same to you... "

"Thank you for always being there... That you don't leave me even if we fight, you always find ways to keep us together... If I had done things that have upset you before, I am sorry. As we keep going, I will continue to cherish and love you, take good care of you, of course... And be with you... I had taken this chance to say all of this to you because I want to ask for your hand... And I have a question for you... will you marry me?"

Jungkook looks and sees Taehyung, holding a small red velvet box with a shining ring on show. He felt a smile come up to his face as he wipes the tears that had fallen down his cheeks as he watched Taehyung.
"Will you marry me?" Taehyung once again asks and Jungkook nods, smiling wide.

"Yes! Of course! Yes!" As soon as he said that, confettis appear and the hyungs too.
"Congratulations!" All of them said. Jungkook and Taehyung smiled, thanking them.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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