Chapter 58: 10% Chance

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Hiori: A Chemical...

Isagi: ...Reaction! That was incredible!

Raichi: And now both their master strikers are coming in.

Yukimiya: Are we just gonna ignore the love confession broadcast live on TV?

Isagi: No... that was a part of it too.

Igarashi: Wasn't that just random bs that Shido keeps saying??

Kurona: I get what you mean Isagi. Look.

Rewinding the match back a minute, the Bayern Munich players saw Kiyotaka freeze in place while Shido completed his diving header.

Isagi: Bachira's solo effort ending with that pass toward Shido was perfect and met his own conditions for a chemical reaction...

Hiori: But Kiyotaka marked him well enough to intercept. With a little luck and skill, the demon managed to level it.

Raichi: Why isn't he getting out though? Don't they have 15-minute intervals. His times basically up when they kickoff.

Yukimiya: Didn't you hear Loki? He's keeping Rin on the bench until his 3 minutes come and pass.

Kurona: So like a timeout?

Kiyora: Playing favorites?

Isagi: Not really. More like Loki's seeing for himself... how much his sidekick has developed.

Hiori: And if he'll even connect with him.

Yukimiya: This is tense. No wonder the views skyrocketed. This is the first time Paris St. Germain is struggling. They steamrolled everyone else they've faced after all.

Kurona: Isagi, who do you think's gonna win?

Isagi: Eh... hm....

Just like in the manga, Isagi's body started to dissolve into a billion puzzle pieces as he laid bare his predictions. However, his true thoughts... were only heard by his own subconscious.

Isagi: (This, along with his second chance at a winning goal... must have woken Kiyotaka up . I'm not sure if Charles will be supporting him or Loki... but the game will end within these next three minutes. Shido's stunt isn't going to work a second time. Still... if I'm going to be honest... Lavinho and Loki cancel each other out... leaving it all at a stalemate. The only way one team or the other wins... is if someone evolves and brings out their best performance... true flow.)

Hiori: Hm? Isagi, you look lost in thought. Poor Kurona didn't even get an answer.

Isagi apologized profusely.

Isagi: Well, to answer you Kurona, I'm really not sure.

Kurona: Me neither. I don't know what'll happen.

Hiori: I'm more inclined to choose Kiyotaka.

Everyone stared at him in confusion.

Yukimiya: Really?

Raichi: In a match with two master strikers?!

Isagi: What makes you say that Hiori?

Hiori: Well, I did give his skill the name, 'Universal AI.' And when there's new information, an AI gets better and develops to integrate this new data. Even now, seeing the goal scored by Shido just now, I kinda feel like he already created a new plan.

Isagi: (Hiori's right. When it comes down to it... there's no one better than him in adaptability.)

They all returned to the live feed and tuned in on Kiyotaka's conversation with Loki and Lavinho.

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