Part 47~ A talk with Leader

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Sabre pov-

I watched as Light fell asleep being sighing and getting out of bed to go outside. I had a hard time sleeping for A long time now. Ever since I had been taken in fact. As I walked through the destroyed kingdom I remembered how Leader mumbled something about 'this is how we'll return huh?'

"Wonder what he meant..." I mumbled before Sighing and sitting down on a rock. Everything was so different now. The red steves were all gone and I would never see them again. Sol hated me for whatever reason and M had asked leader for Help.

"Sabre? What are you doing awake at this time?" Oh. Leader...

"I cant sleep Leader." I stated as The man sat down next to me. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I couldn't sleep either so I went on a walk through this place again.

"Again...?" I asked as He sighed before Looking at the sky.

"Yes... Again... Do you know what happened here Sabre?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No. I just know that Darkness Attacked."

He seemed to smile sadly as he looked at me. "That wasn't even close to how all of this started... have you heard of the rainbow guardian?" I froze as he waited as I forced myself to relax.

"Yes... I read about him in a book called Vale." I told him as he seemed surprised.

"That book is still around?" He asked as I nodded. "Wow... It was written so long ago..."

"What happened?" I found myself asking, "To everything. I don't know much of the history." That was true. I knew almost nothing of the history as Everyone thought that I didn't need to know.

"so many things happened..." He whispered as He spoke. "The rainbow crystals... not many know how they were truly created." He started as I remembered how I had created them. I hadn't known that they would help this Much. "The Rainbow guardian made them you know? He was only 14 years old at the time. Only two years later he went missing."

"What about the darkness?" I asked as He sighed again.

"The Darkness... it came suddenly and took the First hero when they tried to stop it..." He started as He brushed his hand against the rock he was sitting on. "No one knows its true origins other then the fact that it's been around for a long time. The second hero died from separating from the crystals after sealing the darkness away. I cant tell you anymore as there is nothing more To tell." He said as I stayed quiet, thinking. There has to be more... How does he even know that I made them? No one should... "You should try to sleep Sabre. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day." Leader said as he got up. "rest well."

"Have a great rest of the Night Leader." I said as He walked away. Why did I fell like he wasn't telling me everything...? I'll learn in due time.

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