53. Seizure

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Ravenheart groaned as he peeled open his eyes. Where was he? Was he still in the forest? Was he in StarClan? Or, did he get immediately brought back to life like Fireheart? The black tom looked around, completely and utterly lost. His eyes were open, but he couldn't see at all. Something was off. Why couldn't he see? Ravenheart started to stand up on his paws, but he felt a sticky substance matting itself into his fur.

What was it?

He turned his head around and sniffed at his pelt.


Oh. That made more sense now. Those Twolegs...they were unlike any that Ravenheart had seen in any of his lives. Were his injuries a sign from StarClan? Ravenheart almost laughed. Here he was trying to figure out something that a clan leader or medicine cat would do. Ravenheart was not any of those.

But something was wrong. Something was very wrong indeed. What was wrong? Where were his friends? Was it night or day? Why was no one moving around? It must be night-time, right? Because then no one would be moving around. What if everyone left without him? What if they forgot about him? What if they hated him?

Wait, what was he thinking? He must have just have been thinking about the cobwebs, that's it.

Panic swept over him like the wind on the moors of WindClan.

Why couldn't he remember what he was just thinking about?

His head pounded inside of his skull. Why was it doing that? Something about a Twoleg and a stick; his forepaw started oddly tingling.

Why was it doing that?

Shaking his head, he moved his paw around; it must be because it was still for a long time.

But what if it wasn't? Ravenheart got a strange feeling that it might not. But what if it was? That's natural. He'd be out of the medicine den in no time, hunting with his friends, spending some time with the lovely Leafpool-

Wait, what?

Ravenheart was suddenly unable to recall what he was thinking about. That's weird.

His stomache flipped; it felt like it was travelling up his neck to escape out of his mouth. What a weird feeling...

It's probably nothing, right?

He should probably alert Brackenfall that he was awake, but he found it hard to stand up. Oh, and his forepaw was still oddly tingling...

That was when he noticed Beetlebreeze and Shimmerfire sleeping next to him. Hollyleaf probably would, but Brackenfall probably forbid it. It was close to her kitting, anyways.

What was he thinking about, again?

"Ravenheart?" Shimmerfire lifted her head up. "Ravenheart!" she launched up and began purring at her son.

That caused Beetlebreeze to get up too.

"Ravenheart!" Beetlebreeze's heart leapt with joy for his only son.

Both of their thoughts fell on dead ears.

Ravenheart had looked away, and now he couldn't see or hear them.

"Ravenheart, don't you dare ignore us!" Shimmerfire approached her son.

Weird. Ravenheart couldn't see, hear, or move. Perfect combination.

With his spine freezing up, the black tom fell with a thud on the ground, eyes closed, dead to the world.

"Brackenfall!" Shimmerfire screeched.

The ginger medicine cat appeared in the entrance of the den. "Yes?"

"Ravenheart was awake, but it seemed like he couldn't hear us. Then, not long ago, he fell with his eyes closed. He must be unconscious!" Shimmerfire wailed.

That was when he started convulsing.

Brackenfall winced. (AN: I'm going to pretend cats know what this is) "It appears that Ravenheart is having a seizure. Yellowpaw! Get the herbs used to make the cat in question throw up and a lot of poppy seeds! This one's going to be hard!" he hollered.

In the dim light, you could see something moving around frantically. Yellowpaw.

Some of Ravenheart's closest friends streamed out of their dens. Hollyleaf tried, but Fireheart made her stay in the nursery. Just in case.

Here's the list of all of the reborns. The xs mean the cat is dead. Please tell me if I'm missing some:














Tigerclaw (x)

Darkstripe (x)


Hawkfrost (x)

Thistleclaw (x)

Breezepelt (x)

Brokentail (x)
















Mudpaw (x)




Mentioned spirits: This time the xs mean that the spirit has been killed.

Fallen Leaves

Snowtuft (x)

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