62. Kits and Auras

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Brackenfall felt like StarClan wasn't on his side today. First of all, he had to travel all the way to WindClan because the evil Twolegs had struck again. They were so uncultured, primitive, and violent; the medicine cat shuddered at the thought. Then, he went all the way back to the ThunderClan cat and missed one of the biggest events that had happened in many moons.

Seriously, why?

At least the reborns were happy. Fireheart himself, well, let's just say that there were no words to describe the emotion dancing across his features. Maybe he's had kits with Sandstorm before...he mused, looking at how relaxed Sandstorm seemed. Normally, new queens freaked out and made sure their kits were alive every few heart beats.

It got annoying after a while, but, hey, Brackenfall was a medicine cat. He had an excuse for being cranky.

There were three kits of varying colors in the pale ginger she-cat's litter. One was a white she-cat that Sandstorm had immediately dubbed Snowkit, with Bluefur's approval, of course.

It seemed like the blue-gray she-cat felt the need to mother every one but Oakheart. Brackenfall smirked a little; maybe new kits would be coming soon.

The next kit was a tom who had sleek gray fur with golden eyes. He was named Graykit; this immediately caused Graystripe to march around camp like he was clan leader.

The final kit was a light gray tom with icy-blue eyes. Sandstorm named him Clearkit.

It seemed as if Clearkit and Graykit were naturally drawn to each other, but at the same time it seemed that Clearsky hated his brother with a passion. Snowkit seemed to be searching for cats that weren't particularly in that nest, but she seemed to sense them near by.

More reborns, perhaps? Brackenfall almost groaned.

Flamingkit seemed happy enough. Sure, he was about a moon older than them, but soon enough he would have an extra three play mates. He was eventually scolded by Hollyleaf for making too much chaos in the nursery; the kit paused for a moment, before scrunching his eyes together like his head was bothering him.

He seems to be different from the other reborns; I'm positive he is reborn, though. He has that special aura that the reborns, Clearkit, Graykit, and Snowkit have, only two times stronger. Brackenfall contemplated this problem.

Yellowfang was chosen to be medicine cat because she could sense injuries. Every medicine cat had a special technique; his was sensing different types of auras. The reborns' were stronger, wiser, and more ancient looking. Surrounding them, there was a darker aura than the new souls.

But even among them there were differences.

Bluefur's and Fireheart's auras were clearly separate from the others. Their's had a leadership quality to it, kind of like the one Ashstar was getting. Perhaps they were former leaders.

While he was studying the kits, Graykit and Clearkit seemed to have a similar aura.

Most of the she-cats had the auras that only queens usually had, even when they were kits. This made things as clear as fox dung.

Even Jayfeather was a little bit different. His aura basically yelled: "I don't need this to live!".

Once, as a kit, the gray tom had also told him that he didn't need his sight to live.

All in all, the reborns were puzzles that Brackenfall were trying hard to figure out. Some of them had the auras similar to a deputies. Others had auras that reminded him of his own as a medicine cat.

He'd have to ask them a few questions when he got the chance.

"Do you think they could be reborns?" Hollyleaf asked, not worried about Brackenfall knowing anymore.

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