63. The Dream

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Just a note that soon chapters will be coming out slower due to me having stopped writing this that time ago. I will update as much as possible after the next chapter, which will be the last for a while. I do hope you enjoy this book, as it is far from finished!!

Flamingkit woke up with a start. His head was pounding through his skull again, as usual.

"What are you doing up?" Hollyleaf yawned. "It's not even dawn." she rapped her tail around the ginger kit in an attempt to make him sleep once more.

"I had a dream." the kit sighed.

The black she-cat was once more alert. "Would you like to tell me about it?" she pressed.

Flamingkit was in a strange place. It smelled horrible, and there were weird box-like dens surrounding him.

Surprisingly, he managed to eventually sniff something that didn't belong in this strange place. Blood. Cat blood. ThunderClan blood.

But he didn't know where he was. Hollyleaf had told him stories about places where creature walk on two legs before; she said it smelled really bad. He was also informed that they lived in strange, huge dens.

This must be Twolegplace.

Flamingkit decided that that answered one of his questions, but he still urged to know where the scent of ThunderClan blood came from. It was hard to keep track of the scent throughout Twolegplace; the stench of the Twolegs overwhelmed almost all of his scenting abilities.

Then, when it seemed like all hope was lost, he heard it. He heard the screams, the yowls, and the yells. He heard weird sounds he's never heard before, probably one of the Twoleg monsters Hollyleaf had told him about.

Just like a real warrior, the ginger kit felt himself sprinting and climbing over large unearthed trees in the direction of the racket. He didn't know where he was going, most likely due to the fact that he still had to wait five moons to become an apprentice. All he knew was that he needed to follow the screams.

And for once, when Flamingkit needed them the most to guide his paws, Flametail and Fallen Leaves were silent.

After a while of unguided running, the ginger tom found a clear trail he could follow.

Only he didn't want to know what made it. The trail was constructed of cats. Dead cats.

The first body he found was Grassjaw. He was followed by Brackenfall, Redstripe, Fernfur, Marshfoot, and Clovercloud. After that, he found the more surprising ones. Some of ThunderClan's best warriors, Fireheart, Graystripe, Bluefur, Oakheart, Silverstream, Sandstorm, Dustpelt, and even the clan leader Ashstar continued the trail.

It took a while longer to look away from the massacre leading to one specific place. Once Flamingkit gained the strength to look away from a familiar black she-cat named Hollyleaf, who was after Ashstar, he noticed with a jolt that the trail was leading towards the camp. He recognized the faint warm scent among the overwhelming stench of blood and Twolegs, and, of course, he could see it.

The nursery was shredded, and weird creatures that stood up on two legs, which Flamingkit identified as Twolegs, circled the center of the camp, surrounding even more familiar cats.

One of them, the strongest one with the broadest shoulders, was holding the three younger kits: Graykit, Clearkit, and Snowkit. Flamingkit knew they were some of the strongest cats alive, but they were in the bodies of kits. No matter how strong they were, they would not be able to stand up to a huge, full-grown Twoleg.

The Twoleg himself was squeezing the kits, tighter and tighter, until they all went limp. He laughed cruelly before dropping them to the ground. Their bodies made a dull sound after impact, but they did not move any longer.

Another Twoleg, slightly smaller than the first, surrounded the group of elders Flamingkit had talked to before he went to bed. Roseshadow was the first to go. The Twoleg had dropped a log on her body, effectively pinning her down to a slow, painful death. The other elders yowled in fury and went to attack the enemy Twoleg who was killing their friend, but another Twoleg, this one with really long head fur, flung them off of her companions.

He barely recognized himself, at that time he was as big as an apprentice, and he was fleeing. Flamingkit felt like a coward for seeing himself run away, before fear stabbed him straight into the heart when another Twoleg pounced on his apprentice self, tusseling with him until the apprentice was only a mangled cadaver.

Fallen Leaves finally decided to speak up. "This is your's and ThunderClan's destiny." he stated gravely.

"Don't scare the kit!" Flametail sounded frustrated. "Destinies can be altered; there is a chance to save ThunderClan from this bloody downfall if you work together with other reborns. Fireheart has changed his destiny before. Originally, it was his destiny to team up with the Dark Forest and bring an end to the clans, but it was changed when Sandstorm told him to believe."

The Twolegs had wiped out ThunderClan, and all he knew was a hit on the head and blackness.

"Then, I woke up with this immense pain in my head." Flamingkit squealed in fear.

"I'm sure it was just a dream." Fear had struck Hollyleaf too, it had sounded like a vision sent by StarClan.

"All right." the ginger kit sighed before briefly pausing. "Can I go outside now?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes," the black queen purred before stating. "Kits will be kits." to Sandstorm, who had awoken to hear the dream Flamingkit was explaining.

The ginger kit thanked his mother before charging straight through the nursery barrier. It had taken Flamingkit until well past dawn to explain his dream correctly.

"Do you think his dream was sent by StarClan?" Sandstorm questioned. "He mentioned Fallen Leaves and Flametail, both of which he should know nothing about. He also mentioned us reborns, but he doesn't really know about that either."

"I pray it wasn't from StarClan, but it seems hard to prove it wasn't from StarClan." Hollyleaf rested her head on her paws.

Sandstorm wrapped her tail protectively around her kits, who had yet to open their eyes. "As long as it can be changed, like Flametail said."

"Hopefully it can." Hollyleaf agreed, before watching her kit kick up dust near the elders' den. She purred in amusement as Tangledleg scolded the kit, saying the Roseshadow was was sick and the dust would irritate her ailment.

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