Chapter Seven: Conflict of Interest

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Zoe stepped into the apartment, her heart pounding. Alex stood by the window, his posture rigid with tension. The air felt thick with unspoken accusations.

"So," Alex said, his voice deceptively calm, "how was your day with Aria?"

Zoe sighed, dropping her bag by the door. "Alex, please. It was a community project, not a date."

"Really?" Alex turned, his eyes flashing with anger. "Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you'd rather spend time with her than with me."

"That's not fair," Zoe protested. "This project is important for the community. You used to support my activism."

Alex scoffed. "Your activism, sure. But this? This feels different, Zoe. I see the way you light up when you talk about her. Do you even realize you're doing it?"

Zoe felt a flare of defensiveness. "So what if I enjoy working with her? At least she listens to me, unlike you lately!"

"Oh, that's rich," Alex sneered. "I listen plenty. I hear all about Aria this, Aria that. Tell me, Zoe, do you have feelings for her?"

The question hung in the air, heavy and demanding. Zoe opened her mouth, then closed it, unsure how to respond.

Alex's eyes widened. "Your silence says it all."

"It's not that simple," Zoe said, her voice shaking. "Yes, I care about Aria. She's become a friend. But that doesn't mean-"

"A friend?" Alex interrupted. "Is that why you're always defending her? Why you've suddenly softened your stance on the pipeline?"

Zoe felt a surge of anger. "I haven't softened anything! I still oppose the pipeline. But I've learned that demonizing the other side doesn't help. Aria's shown me that there can be dialogue, compromise-"

"Compromise?" Alex laughed bitterly. "Is that what we're calling it now? God, Zoe, can't you see what's happening? She's manipulating you!"

"You don't know her!" Zoe shouted, surprising herself with the vehemence in her voice. "Aria's not like that. She cares about this community too."

"Right, I'm sure that's all she cares about," Alex said sarcastically. "Wake up, Zoe! She works for the company that's trying to destroy everything you've fought for. Or have you forgotten that in your rush to defend her?"

Zoe felt tears pricking at her eyes. "You're twisting everything. This isn't about Aria, it's about us. We've been drifting apart for months, Alex. Even before I met her."

"So now it's my fault?" Alex threw his hands up in exasperation. "I've been working hard to build a future for us, Zoe. A future you seem less and less interested in."

"That's not true," Zoe protested weakly, but doubt crept into her voice.

Alex's expression softened slightly. "Isn't it? Be honest, Zoe. Where do you see us in five years? Because right now, it feels like you're building a future with Aria, not me."

The words hit Zoe like a physical blow. She sank onto the couch, suddenly exhausted. "I don't know, Alex. I don't know what I want anymore."

A heavy silence fell between them. Finally, Alex spoke, his voice low and defeated. "I think you do know, Zoe. You're just afraid to admit it."

He moved to the door, pausing with his hand on the knob. "I love you, Zoe. But I can't compete with a ghost. When you figure out what – or who – you really want, let me know."

The door closed behind him with a soft click, leaving Zoe alone with her turbulent thoughts. She curled up on the couch, tears flowing freely now. Her phone buzzed with a text from Aria: "Hope everything's okay. Here if you need to talk."

Zoe stared at the message, feeling torn between guilt and longing. She realized that Alex was right about one thing – she did need to figure out what she truly wanted. And that decision would change everything.

As the night deepened around her, Zoe grappled with her conflicting emotions, knowing that whatever choice she made, there would be no going back.

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