Chapter Eight: Choosing Sides

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The next morning, Zoe found herself walking aimlessly through the park, her mind still reeling from the fight with Alex. She was so lost in thought that she almost bumped into Aria, who was out for a jog.

"Zoe?" Aria said, concern evident in her voice. "Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept."

Zoe managed a weak smile. "That obvious, huh? Alex and I... we had a pretty big fight last night."

Aria's expression softened. "I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"

They found a nearby bench, and Zoe poured out everything – the accusations, the doubts, the unresolved feelings.

"He thinks I have feelings for you," Zoe admitted, watching Aria's reaction carefully.

Aria was quiet for a moment, then asked softly, "Do you?"

Zoe felt her heart race. "I... I think I might. But it's all so complicated."

Aria nodded, understanding in her eyes. "I know. For what it's worth, I have feelings for you too, Zoe. But I don't want to be the reason you and Alex break up. You need to figure out what you truly want."

Zoe felt a mix of elation and anxiety at Aria's confession. "You're right. I need to talk to Alex, clear the air once and for all."

They parted ways, Aria giving Zoe's hand a gentle squeeze of support. With newfound determination, Zoe headed home to confront Alex and sort out their relationship.

As she approached their apartment, Zoe noticed Alex's car in the parking lot. Good, she thought, he's home. We can finally talk this through.

Zoe unlocked the door quietly, not wanting to start the conversation with confrontation. But as she entered, she heard muffled voices coming from the bedroom. Confused, she moved closer.

"Alex, baby, you seem tense. Is everything okay?" A woman's voice – definitely not Zoe's – drifted through the partially open door.

"It's fine, Sarah. Just work stress," Alex replied, his tone intimate and familiar.

Zoe felt her world tilt on its axis. She pushed the door open, revealing Alex in bed with a woman she recognized from his office photos – his supposed coworker, Sarah.

"Zoe!" Alex exclaimed, shock and guilt written across his face. "This isn't... I can explain!"

Sarah pulled the sheets up, looking mortified. "Oh my god, Alex, you said you two were separated!"

Zoe felt numb as realization dawned. "Separated? Alex, what is she talking about?"

Alex scrambled out of bed, reaching for Zoe. "Babe, please, I can explain everything."

Zoe recoiled from his touch. "Explain what? That I'm the other woman? That our entire relationship has been a lie?"

"No, it's not like that," Alex pleaded. "I love you, Zoe. Sarah and I... it's complicated."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Wait, you're still with her? Alex, you told me you were getting divorced!"

Zoe laughed bitterly. "Divorced? We're not even married! How long has this been going on, Alex?"

Alex's silence was damning. Zoe felt tears streaming down her face, but her voice was steady when she spoke. "You know what? It doesn't matter. We're done, Alex. Completely and utterly done."

She turned to Sarah, who looked shell-shocked. "I'm sorry, but it seems like we've both been played. I hope you make better choices than I did."

With that, Zoe turned and walked out of the apartment, ignoring Alex's desperate calls behind her. She made it to her car before the sobs overtook her, her body shaking with the force of her grief and anger.

Through her tears, Zoe pulled out her phone and dialed a number.

"Aria?" she said when the call connected. "Can... can I come over? I really need a friend right now."

As she drove away from the apartment she'd shared with Alex, Zoe felt a strange mix of heartbreak and relief. One chapter of her life had just ended abruptly and painfully, but perhaps another was about to begin.

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