Chapter Three: Misconceptions (Aria's POV)

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Aria woke up early, her body tense. Jason had been in a mood last night, his words cutting and cruel. She'd tried to tell him about the community project, but he'd dismissed it as "playing in the dirt with tree-huggers." His dismissal stung more than she wanted to admit.

As she got ready for another day of the cleanup project, Aria found herself looking forward to seeing Zoe. It was strange - a week ago, she would have dreaded it. Now, it felt like a breath of fresh air.

Arriving at the park, Aria spotted Zoe immediately. The environmental activist was laughing with some volunteers, her curls wild in the morning breeze. Aria felt a smile tugging at her lips before she could stop it.

"Morning, Zoe," Aria said, approaching the group. "Ready for another day of saving the world, one piece of trash at a time?"

Zoe turned, her eyes lighting up in a way that made Aria's heart skip a beat. "Aria! I was beginning to think you'd decided corporate life was more appealing than getting your hands dirty."

The teasing tone in Zoe's voice made Aria laugh. "Please, I'll have you know I excel at getting my hands dirty. Metaphorically speaking, of course."

As they worked side by side, Aria found herself opening up more than she had in years. She told Zoe about growing up in Greenville, about the pressure of being a Blackwood, about her dreams that sometimes felt at odds with her family's expectations.

"It's not that I don't care about the environment," Aria admitted, surprising herself with her honesty. "It's just... it's complicated when your whole life is tied to the energy industry."

Zoe nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I get that. It's easy for me to see things in black and white, but I'm learning there's a lot of gray."

Their conversation was interrupted by Aria's phone ringing. It was Jason. Aria felt a wave of guilt as she realized she'd forgotten to text him that morning.

"Sorry, I need to take this," she said to Zoe, stepping away.

The call was brief and tense. Jason was angry she hadn't called, suspicious about who she was with. Aria felt her good mood evaporating with each of his clipped words.

When she returned to Zoe, her hands were shaking slightly. Zoe noticed immediately. "Hey, is everything okay?"

Aria forced a smile. "Fine. Just... boyfriend stuff. It's nothing."

Zoe's expression was concerned, but she didn't push. Instead, she gently changed the subject, telling a funny story about her own dating mishaps that had Aria genuinely laughing again.

As the day wore on, Aria found herself comparing Zoe's easy companionship with Jason's increasing moodiness. It was an uncomfortable realization.

When it was time to leave, Aria felt a reluctance she couldn't quite explain. "So, same time next week?" she asked Zoe, trying to keep her tone casual.

Zoe smiled, and Aria felt that now-familiar flutter in her stomach. "Wouldn't miss it. Take care, Aria."

Driving home, Aria's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. She was starting to see Zoe - and by extension, the environmental movement - in a new light. But what did that mean for her career, her relationship, her whole life plan?

As she pulled into her driveway, seeing Jason's car there, Aria took a deep breath. She had some serious thinking to do. About the pipeline, about her job... and about what she really wanted in life.

For the first time in years, Aria felt the foundations of her carefully constructed world beginning to shift. And surprisingly, the thought didn't terrify her as much as she thought it would.

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