Chapter Four: Common Ground (Aria's POV)

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Aria's hand trembled as she applied concealer to the angry bruise blooming on her forearm. The memory of last night's argument with Jason played on repeat in her mind - his accusations, his rage, and finally, the shocking moment when he grabbed her arm so hard it left a mark. She'd never thought he'd actually hurt her physically, but here was the undeniable evidence.

Taking a deep breath, Aria pulled on a long-sleeved blouse despite the warm weather. She couldn't let anyone see, couldn't let anyone know how her seemingly perfect life was crumbling.

As she drove to Willow Creek Park for another community cleanup day, Aria struggled to compose herself. The park had become a strange sanctuary over the past weeks, a place where she could be herself without the weight of expectations. And if she was honest, a large part of that was due to Zoe.

Parking her car, Aria took one last look in the mirror, ensuring her mask of calm was firmly in place. But as soon as she saw Zoe's face, concern etched in those expressive brown eyes, Aria knew she hadn't hidden her distress as well as she'd hoped.

"Aria! What happened to your arm?" Zoe's voice was filled with genuine worry.

Panic flared in Aria's chest. "It's nothing," she lied, the words tasting bitter. "I... I walked into a door."

She saw the doubt in Zoe's eyes, the way her brow furrowed in concern. But instead of pushing, Zoe simply asked, "Are you sure you're okay to work today? That looks painful."

The gentleness in Zoe's voice almost broke Aria's composure. She swallowed hard, forcing neutrality into her tone. "I'm fine. Really, it's not a big deal. Let's just focus on the task at hand."

As they worked side by side, Aria could feel Zoe's concerned glances. It was both comforting and unnerving to be seen so clearly. When Zoe stepped away to take a phone call, Aria found herself missing her presence, which was a startling realization.

Throughout the day, despite her initial discomfort, Aria found herself relaxing in Zoe's company. They shared stories about their childhoods in Greenville, discovered a mutual love for obscure indie bands, and even managed to have a civil discussion about environmental policies.

Aria caught herself laughing at Zoe's jokes, really laughing, in a way she hadn't in months. The warmth of Zoe's smile, the light in her eyes when she talked about her passions - it all made Aria feel alive in a way she'd almost forgotten was possible.

As they were wrapping up for the day, Zoe turned to her with a soft smile. "Hey, I know I'm probably overstepping, but... if you ever need to talk, about anything, I'm here. Okay?"

Aria felt tears pricking at her eyes, overwhelmed by the simple offer of support. She nodded, not trusting her voice.

Driving home, Aria's mind was a whirlwind. The contrast between Zoe's kindness and Jason's cruelty was stark. For the first time, she allowed herself to imagine a different future - one where she didn't have to hide bruises or make excuses. One where she could be herself, fully and without fear.

As she pulled into her driveway, seeing Jason's car already there, Aria took a deep breath. She had some serious thinking to do - about her relationship, about her job, about what she really wanted in life. And for the first time in a long time, the thought of change didn't terrify her. Instead, she felt a glimmer of hope, fueled by the memory of Zoe's warm smile and genuine concern.

Aria stepped out of her car, standing a little straighter. Whatever happened next, she knew one thing for certain - she deserved better. And maybe, just maybe, it was time to start fighting for it.

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