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[We were all settled into some sort of arena, filled with fish and plants]

Hiccup: Okay big guy, first we gotta know what you are

[Scorcher pulls fire from his nostrils onto the ground, writing "Blazing Hellfire"]

Fishlegs: He can write, what does that say? Blazing Hellfire, must be his species (he writes it down)

Astrid: do you have a name?

[Scorcher pushs more fire from his nose, spelling "Scorcher"]

Fishlegs: Name is Scorcher, alright, then onto training

Scorcher: Training?

[Hiccup grabs out a fish and hangs it out for Scorcher to eat]

Scorcher: This is how your gonna to train me

[Scorcher launches out his long tounge, snatching the fish from his hand]

Hiccup: Wow

Fishlegs: Long snake-like tongue (writes it down)

Hiccup: Okay, then lets try this (pulls out dragon nip)

Scorcher: I don't eat plants, what even is this? (sniffs it and sneezes) Oh what the hell!

Fishlegs: Isn't effected by Dragon nip (writes it down)

Scorcher: I need a decent meal, oh I know

[Scorcher flys off into the air but soon returns with a giant eel]

[Scorcher flys off into the air but soon returns with a giant eel]

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[The humans and dragons lean way in disgust]

Toothless: Why did you bring a giant eel?

Scorcher: Cus they taste good

[The dragons eyes all widen as Scorcher rips the eels head off and starts eting its inards]

Astrid: Isn't effected by dragon nip

Snotlout: And is eating a giant screaming eel, wow, what else is next burning dragons edge to ash (sarcastic)

Scorcher: (looks at him) Maybe if you don't shut up (growls)

[Snotlout hides behind Hookfang who's also shivering in fear]

Scorcher: (licks lips) Mhm tasty 

[Scorcher notices the other dragons staring at him in shock]

Scorcher: What?

Toothless: You just ate an eel, are you not like sick?

Scorcher: No, I like eels

Hiccup: Okay then big guy, lets try this

[He raises his palm to Scorcher's snout, attempting to train him]

Scorcher: Whatta doing?

[Scorcher huffs a cloud of smoke at him, making him cough]

Hiccup: Okay, I growl meaning no would've been okay (coughs)


Hiccup: Huh?

[They look outside and see a lone viking on a ship with a ballista]

Viking: You die today!

Scorcher: I beg to differ

[Scorcher flys towards the ship followed by the others, concerned about what he's gonna do]

Hiccup: Wait big guy, whatta you doing?

Scorcher: Getting rid of this bozo

[They land on the ship, the vking fires his ballista at Scorchers neck, but since his neck and underbelly is armoured, the blot just bounces off like nothing]

Viking: What, armoured underbelly, impossible!

Scorcher: You have no idea what's possible human

[Scorcher clamps his jaws on the human killing him instantly, before swinging him around]

[Scorcher clamps his jaws on the human killing him instantly, before swinging him around]

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[Scorcher eats him after brutally chewing him as the others look in concern]

Snotlout: Hiccup, I don't think we should have this guy around, he just ate a person

Ruffnut: Yeah I mean, how long before he tries to eat us

Hiccup: Guys we'll figure something out, I hope

[Scorcher finally swallows to dead person, clearly enjoying eating humans]

Stormfly: Was that really neccessary?

Scorcher: Of course it was, he was trying to kill me

Stormfly: (sighs and looks down)

[Stormfly is caught off guard when Scorcher goes up to her and rubs his snout against her head to calm her down]

Scorcher: But I won't eat you Stormy (flys off)

[The chapter ends with stormfly blushing at what Scorcher just did]

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