A Life Ahead Of Us

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In this world of hopelessness and temptation where true love is difficult to find, I met the one for me. John Kramer also known as the most dangerous and unpredictable serial killer all over the America was mine. I've known him since he became Jigsaw, he's too precious for this world and now the past events changed him.

“John could you please go back to our room?" I calmly asked him as I saw him in the living room, doing sketches of traps again.

I almost sound upset, but I tried to be patient when it comes to him…

His eyes were exhausted and just when he looked up to meet my concerned face, his eyes are a bit sore and watery.

“What for, y/n? There's a lot of work that needs to be done, and it's a serious matter, love” he explained to me again, but I wouldn't give up that easily.

I approached the man I love, gently placing my hands on his shoulders as I massage him. He tensed up as he glanced at me before speaking again.

“This world needs to be taught a lesson for what they have done… and I know what those people did to you, they hurt you, manipulate you- to the point that you came to conclusion that you don't need anybody at all” John said in his deep voice as he closed his eyes.

Now that he mentioned, those people are my used to be family and friends, but they're toxic, and I always feel like I'm suffocating when I'm around them. So I did what I know what's right and that's to join Jigsaw, with him no one could hurt me anymore.

“I get your point John, but you have to take care of yourself” I whispered to his ear as I tried to ease the pain on his shoulders.

“I know, but I forgot how to do that, sweetheart” he admitted as he finally relaxed to my touched, and he let his back rest against the soft couch.

“Sometimes we do forget, but is it even worth it to stressed yourself about this world, John? Or do you want to live a life where the two of us only exist?” I reminded him of our dreams, and it's close to happen anytime soon.

We have a safe in our room, where we keep our savings. He said that after his work as a Jigsaw, he would buy us a land where there's a yacht and the whole island for us. Nothing's impossible and I believe that we could finally get some peace.

John fell silent as he reconsidered what I just said, and he finally rests his hands on the table, letting the pen besides the drawings. His overall talent and skills was indeed impressive, and I know that he's capable of everything.

“I don't know what I would do without your love, y/n… Slowly but for sure, I'm recovering” John smiled as he caressed my hand.

After massaging him, I decided to take a sit beside him where I'm planting kisses on his neck that made him surprised.

“Oh god, you're teasing me again” he groaned, but I didn't stop with the kisses and touching.

“Yes I am, so please could we go now?” I whispered as I now kissed his lips before he decided to grab my hand and lead me to our room.

Where we got a massive bed, soft mattress and pillows. He went to rest on the bed while waiting for me to join in, I love how I could smell his manly scent on our room every time I came in.

“You're everywhere, isn't that weird, John?” I said as I come in to watch his face, gently caressing his cheeks as I get on top of him.

“It's expected because I'm around here usually and I only wear one type of perfume…" I just shrugged when he said that, but then he wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me in.

We stayed like that, and I could only be able to stay still while hearing his heavy breaths and his warmth that makes me comfortable. My head is resting on his hard chest where my mind leads me somewhere.

“Have you thought about having children?” I asked it without considering if I offended him, but he only chuckled.

“Yes a few times, I think I still wanted that” he said as I remembered what happened to his ex-wife and how they had a miscarriage.

John is open-minded about everything, and it makes it easier to talk about everything with him…

“I'm more willing to make it happen, John” I smiled while saying that, and he just caressed my hair, that made me melting.

“We could start now but don't pressure yourself, love” John teases me as he leaned in to give a kissed on my head.

I glance at him, overjoyed by what I heard. I mean I always thought about it, but I didn't have the chance to ask him.

“I know what you're trying to do, dear… But I want you to sleep, okay? I'm not rejecting you, it's just you needed it now” I reminded him where I'm teasing his lips with my thumb, he just smirked at me.

He's so cute when he's smirking, his blue eyes appear more bright and seducing…

“Alright, I'm so lucky to have you…" he said in a tired voice as he watches my eyes with pure love and admiration.

“I love you John… always remember that” I whispered, and he smiled before he gently cups my cheeks.

“I love you too, my beautiful angel… now now, it's time for bed” he made sure that I'm cozy enough, and I'm doing good before he finally closed his eyes.

I'm more contented in life…

With John, I believe that I have future…

We would build a family where we could live peacefully away from trouble, bad people and toxic environment…

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