Chapter 37 ~ Into the Darkness

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The last traces of night had already faded from the sky as Arlon prowled into the Cahirim's camp on paws of velvet. He'd been patrolling the shore of the Breve River for three hours already, unable to wholly believe the scouts' claims that no more hordes were approaching the Isle.

Even now, weariness had no hold on him. Every inch of him was tense and itching to go. He'd packed up what few things he was going to need last night and even filled a satchel for Neeri before he set out this morning.

Arlon shifted into himself as he reached the perimeter of the camp where Gaelen stood. The male stretched his arms over his head with a sigh, then dipped his chin in acknowledgement when Arlon drew near. Another scent accompanied the male's, at least an hour old.

His brows scrunched together and he glanced at Gaelen questioningly. "What was Morana doing out here?"

"Just checking in," the Ash Fae replied. "You weren't the only one unable to sleep it seems. Rehema has been walking around all morning too." Arlon jerked his gaze away.

No doubt Gaelen was waiting for him to investigate further into Rehema's actions, but he had no intention of doing so. He'd barely so much as looked at her since the day he pried the truth from her lips. Even yesterday at Morana and Tarion's wedding, he'd kept his gaze withheld from Rehema and dodged her every attempt to speak with him.

"She wasn't looking for you, if that's what you're thinking," Gaelen said. "She looked strange, like she was dazed, or wasn't entirely here."

"She was having a vision most likely," Arlon answered.

"Hm. Well, I suppose she'll tell us about it if it's important for us to know." Arlon couldn't help but scoff. Gaelen frowned, but he offered no excuse for his reaction.

Arlon continued into the camp and headed towards his hut. Few people crossed his path as it was still early, but he did spy Vardan across the way and acknowledged him with a tip of his head. The male had been tasked with overseeing the camp and the few warriors and their families who remained.

He had been chosen partially for his capable performance in the past, but also at Neeri's behest. She hadn't wished to take her friend's mate away if it could be helped, and had figured out a way to appease the Vardan's need to help while also keeping him relatively out of harm's way.

Arlon reached the hut at last and entered quietly, casting a quick glance at his cot. A dark, curly head still covered the pillow, and soft brown hands were curled beneath her chin. Neeri's forehead was wrinkled as though she were deep in thought, but the rest of her features were relaxed. The corner of Arlon's mouth twitched up.

Her presence here had been at his behest, to both of their astonishment. They had walked back from the ceremony together last night and meant to go their separate ways. But when Arlon caught sight of the dark windows of his hut and the looming presence of a long night grabbed his chest in a choking grip, he'd caught Neeri by the hand and asked her to stay with him. And she had.

Nothing more had occurred aside from them sleeping in the same bed, had been nice to not be alone for a change. He liked hearing the quiet sounds she made as she dreamed, and the drowsily grumbled, "Where are you going?" when he had rolled away from her. Something else had squeezed Arlon's heart when she nestled up to his back and slipped an arm around his waist.

He'd never been held like that before. It had been strange, and almost made him feel vulnerable in a way. He'd certainly felt small in that moment. Not a weak sort of small, but a comforting small. A safe small. Like for once, he didn't have to worry about protecting himself, because there was nothing he needed protection from.

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