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Zoe's POV:

"ZOE! WAKE UP!" My mum shouted from the bottom of my bed. I instantly shot up as she gave me a fright by shouting at me.

"Jesus,I've been calling you for a good half hour" she laughed

I giggled and shrugged my shoulders then got out of bed,I ran downstairs and grabbed some breakfast then went back to my room to get ready for school,blurgh.

I went to my bathroom and washed and moisturized my face,I then went sat at my dresser and done my hair & makeup. After that I cleaned my teeth and got changed into my uniform.

I grabbed my schoolbag and said goodbye to my mum, I put in my earphones and done the usual routine for school.

Charlie's POV:

I was walking to my locker when I seen Milly kissing her ex,Callum!

"She's gonna be my ex in a minute" I muttered under my breath while walking up to Milly & Callum.

"Charlie bro,what's wrong?!" Leo called from the other side of the corridor

"Not now bro!" I replied back as I approached Milly

"Oh Charlie,hi" she smiled while pushing Callum away and grabbing my collar to kiss me

"No Milly" I spat while pushing her off

"Oh what's wrong?" She said while acting like nothing happened

"Oh don't play dumb with me" I spat while slamming my hand against the locker making Milly jump a little.

Zoe's POV:

I walked to my locker when I seen Charlie and Milly arguing,oh no was this because of last night?

"Just leave me alone" Charlie hissed

Milly then ran away from Charlie and gave me an evil glare as she walked past.

Should I go and see Charlie? Shall I leave it?

I then felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I looked at it

*1 message from Charlie*

"Come over here:)x"

I smiled a bit to myself behind my locker door,I then slammed it shut and walked over to Charlie.

"Hi" he winked while playing with a piece of my hair which made me blush a bit.

"Hi" I smirked back

"Are we finishing that science project off tonight?" He asked

"Yeah,my house or your house?" I asked

"Mine?" He answered

I nodded then we made our way to first lesson which was Maths.

* *

Today had gone really fast,I got to know a bit more about Dan,Leo, Will & James and they're all really nice lads!

Me & Charlie walked back to his house and went up to his room to do the next part of our project.

We sat down on his bed and Charlie kept on moving closer and closer until he kissed me.

We both sat there in shock at what had just happened

"I've wanted to do that for ages" he smiled

I smiled back at him and we carried on with our science project.

"Charlie its late,I need to go home now" I sighed

"Awww" he replied with disappointment

"We could hang out tomorrow as there's no school?" I offered
He nodded and I collected my things,hugged Charlie goodbye and walked to my house.

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