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Zoe's Pov:

I was running late for school today,I quickly said goodbye to my mum and ran to school.

I then walked to my Locker but someone tripped me up,I hit my head on the floor and could feel a bruise forming.

I looked up at the shadow towering over me and Milly looked down and grinned at me. A lump formed in my throat and my eyes started to sting,I quickly got up and ran to the toilets.

I sat in there for a bit and heard a group of girls walk in through the door.

"She better fucking leave Charlie alone" one of them hissed,then I realized it was Milly.

"Where has she gone now?" Another voice said

"To kill herself hopefully" Milly laughed and they all exited the toilets.

I couldn't believe what she just said,how low could she get?

I wiped away my tears and walked to English,I went to sit down at the back but Charlie called me over to him.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked while putting his arm on the back of my chair

"Oh nothing" I fake smiled

"Don't bullshit,come over mine later and we'll talk about it" he smiled while sitting back

"Slut" Milly whispered to me

*end of school*

I walked back home with tears streaming down my face,I felt so angry and hurt and worthless.

I got back home and no one was in I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. I flopped on my bed and cried into my pillow, I just needed Charlie. But wait no he doesn't need you,he's done Better off without you.

Charlie's POV:

I got home from school and took off my school uniform, I lay in my boxers for a bit then scrolled through my social media.

After about 20 minutes on my phone I put on some skinny jeans,a t shirt and my trainers. Zoe was meant to be coming over but she still hasnt arrived. I got up and put on a jacket,I messed up my hair,grabbed my phone,said goodbye to my mum and made my way over to Zoe's.

I knocked three times on the door but still no answer,where the hell was she? I could hear quiet sobs but I didn't think it was Zoe?

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