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Charlie's POV:

"Have you seen what's happened to Zoe?!" Leo said while rushing up to me

"No,what? What's happened? Is she okay?" I asked while starting to panic

"You better go to the first aid room and see her" Leo said looking pretty sad about it

I quickly slammed shut my locker and sprinted down to the nurse,I jumped down the steps and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" The nurse called

"Er Charlie from year 11" I called back

"Ooo just the boy or should I say man I was looking for" she giggled "come in" she added

I slowly opened the door to prepare myself to see Zoe,I scanned the room and she was lay down on the bed in the corner.

I walked closer to her and her eyes were tightly shut,her lips were closed but not too tight. Her arms flopped down beside her and her olive skin tone had turned pale. Her eyes had started to go black,she had a huge lump/brusie on her head and she was covered in cuts.

"What the hell happened" I whispered not taking my eyes off Zoe

"I'm not sure hunny,the ambulance are on their way and the teachers are checking CCTV as we speak" she said while writing on a clipboard.

I started to stroke Zoe's hand and stared at her,I really hope she would fight through this.

"Do you have an idea of who would of done this?" The nurse asked,breaking the silence.

"Milly" I muttered with anger

She nodded and the ambulance crew arrived,they carried Zoe out to the ambulance and said I could sit in the back with her.

The school had rung her parents and they were on their way to the hospital,I texted Leo and told him I wasn't going to be in school for the rest of the day and I would text him later.

{A/n: I might update later on as well just because I have nothing else to do and I really want to carry on writing this}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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