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Charlie's POV:

The bell went almost half an hour ago and I was still standing by my locker with Milly.

"Get to your lessons" the headmaster shouted while walking down the corridor

I kissed Milly for the one millionth time today then strolled to my first lesson,Science with Mr Bell.

"Walk faster Lenehan" the headmaster beamed from behind me.

I walked into Mr Bell's class and sat at the back with Dan,Will,Leo & A few others.

"Lenehan,where have you been? Half an hour late...again" he sighed.

"I got lost sir" I laughed making the boys laugh too

Zoe's POV:

I sat at the desk in Science in Mr Bells class,Charlie then strolled in late and winked at me!

I kind of felt all funny inside but I knew I never had a chance because he had a girlfriend and who would want to have a girlfriend like me?!

"Alright class so I'm pairing you up with someone in the class and you have one month to complete a project" Mr Bell said.

He went through the list of names and it was just me and Charlie left,someone from our class wasn't in today so maybe I was going to be paired up with her?

Oh I was wrong.

"Charlie and Zoe" he beamed.

I didn't know how to feel about working with Charlie,I kind of had a little crush on him so i was excited to work with him but getting him to do the work would sort of be a challenge.

At the end of the lesson while I was packing my stuff away Charlie grabbed a chair next to me and sat down on it.

"Come to this address at 6pm tonight and we'll start the project" he said while winking and passing me a piece of paper.

He then left and I was stood in shock at the fact Charlie Lenehan just invited me over to his house!

The day went pretty fast to be honest,but Milly kicked and punched me again this time I hit my head and it left a huge visible mark.

The bell finally signalled for home and I plugged in my earphones and set off to my house. I ran in and up to my room,I flopped on my bed then i remembered I needed to get ready for Charlie's!

I took off my school clothes and got changed into some skinny ripped black jeans and a crop top.I didn't want to look too dressed up,I then put on some frilly socks and Nike Air Force. I grabbed my phone off charge then headed over to Charlie's house where we were going to "start our project".

Charlie's POV:

I got home from school and stumbled up to my room,I lay on my bed scrolling through my phone until I remembered I needed to get ready because Zoe was coming over.

I got changed out of my uniform and put on some skinny jeans,a knock then came from the door and I ran and answered it. Stood there was Zoe smiling at me then her mouth dropping when she saw me.

"Like the view?" I asked while winking,she sort of blushed a bit then I invited her in.

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