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Charlie's POV:

I woke up the next morning and checked my phone,I texted Zoe good morning and got out of bed.

I walked downstairs and made breakfast for my sister Brooke and I. I then watched TV with Brooke for a bit while eating breakfast.

My phone beeped and I had a message off Zoe,I clicked on the message it said;

Good morning,what shall we do today?xx

I started to type;

How about we go to the cinema?xx

Great:) meet me by the bus station at 1.00 xx

I cleaned mine and Brooke's dishes then headed upstairs to get ready.

I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body I then got out a wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked to my room and dried my hair and left it natural.

I then put on a plain t shirt,some skinny jeans and Nike trainers. I sprayed myself with aftershave and grabbed my phone,I sat on my bed for a bit and waited for time to pass.

Zoe's POV:

I was meeting Charlie at the bus stop so we could go to the cinema.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and body and shaved etc. I then walked to my room and picked out a crop top,some skinny jeans and my New Balance trainers.

I then blow dried and straightened my hair and started to do my make up. I started with foundation and then powder,I added some blush and natural eye shadow. I then finished with a nude lipstick and I was done. I put on my clothes and sprayed on some purfume.

It was now 12:50pm so I grabbed my bag,purse,phone and keys and headed off to meet Charlie at the bus stop.

I walked closer to the push stop and Charlie was stood against the wall on his phone.

"Hi" I smiled while approaching him

"Oh hi" he said raising his eyebrows and pulling me into a hug

He smelt so amazing,oh my lordy.

"So what film shall we watch?" I asked while taking in Charlie's aftershave

"Hmmm,how about insidious three?" He asked

"Mhm okay" I smiled

I absolutely hate horror films but Charlie really wanted to see it and I didn't want to let him down.

We got on the bus and headed to Town to go to the cinema.

After about a 20 minute bus journey we arrived at Town,we got off at the center of Town and walked towards the cinema.

"Your new girlfriend ey?" A voice said from behind us

We turned around and stood there was Milly and her group smirking at us,ugh.

"No actually Milly,she's just a close friend and if she was my girlfriend she would be a better one than you were" he grinned at her.

Milly's smirk got wiped off her face and you could see the anger build up in her.

"Come on girls!" She shouted as her "friends" followed her

Me & Charlie stood there in heaps of laughter at Milly's reaction and the way her smirk fell off her face.

"Come on let's go" Charlie said while grabbing my hand and leading me towards the cinema doors

He's holding my hand,asjkfinxn.

We got our tickets,popcorn,sweets,chocolate and drinks and walked into screen 4.

We sat down at the back in the corner of the cinema and waited for the film to start.

Charlie's POV:

I really really liked Zoe,I know its very early to like her but I really do like her.

The film started and I could feel Zoe shaking next to me,she seemed very scared.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to her

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine" she stuttered

* * *

Zoe's POV:

The film ended and we walked back to Charlie's house to order pizza and chill for a bit.

We got in and sat on the sofa,Charlie switched on the TV and I ordered our pizzas. I finished talking to the pizza man and told Charlie our food would be here in half an hour.

"Wanna play Xbox for a bit?" He asked

I nodded and followed him to his room,he explained what buttons to press and we started to play. I was terrible at it so we finished the game and watch TV instead.

*knock knock*

"Pizzas here!!!" Me & Charlie jumped up while running downstairs to collect it


"Char its getting late,I should go" I sighed while looking at my clock on my phone

"Do you have to?" He sighed while sticking out his bottom lip

"Yeah" I sighed

"Okay,I'll see you Monday then?" He asked while ushering me to the door

I nodded and left the house and walked back home,I decided to walk the long way around as I needed some time to think.

I was thinking when I suddenly got snapped out of my thoughts as someone pushed me down to the floor and started to kick me.

I looked up and stood over me was Milly,she gave an evil laugh and carried on kicking and punching me.

"I seen you leaving Charlie's house,what were you up to hey?" She spat

"N-nothing I swear" I stuttered through the pain

"Well whatever you were up to he's just using you so I wouldn't get close to him if I was you" she hissed while walking off.

"Oh my god what happened to you?" A voice said from behind me

It was Harvey,Harvey Cantwell. He goes to our school,I sit by him in some lessons and I've talked to him a few times ad to be honest he's quite a nice lad.

"Oh urm it was- I fell" I lied

I stumbled up to my feet and Harvey came a bit closer

"Really you "fell?" He asked

"Mmh hmm" I nodded

"I know what happened,Milly did this didn't she?" He asked again

I looked down at my feet and sighed

"Look I'll walk you home if you like,I'm heading down that way anyway" he offered

Harvey then took my arm and walked me back to my house,my mum was still at work so Harvey came in and helped clean my cuts.

"Well I'll see you Monday" he smiled while leaving

*9 new messages*

I hate you
Ew go and die
What even are you?
Everyone hates you.
Charlie's doesn't even like you,leave him be.

All these messages just kept on coming through,I tried to ignore them but it was too hard.

I then got a message off Charlie;

Hi Zoe,it was good going to the cinema today think we should do it again sometime? Night🙈x

That made me feel a bit better but I couldn't stop thinking about those hate messages,maybe that person is right,I'm not good enough for Charlie.

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