Chapter 3

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"I will... don't worry." Karlach's response was so immediate it knocked the wind out of (y/n)'s sails. Karlach gave (y/n)'s ear a small nibble, her fangs threatening to break skin. "I need to feel the high from touching a woman." Karlach admitted, "And right now I want to touch you."

"Oh gods- have you practiced this?" (Y/n) let out a chuckle before whimpering.

"No. But... over the years I've imagined all the different ways I was going to please someone."

(Y/n) pressed her thighs together tightly, desperate for any friction. She had never been spoken to this way. No one had ever been so forward. And for this to come from Karlach of all people. Someone forced into a marriage, who could certainly just reside in her room rather than be with (y/n). (Y/n) caved like a cheap tent.


Karlach's ears perked, and she sat up so she could watch (y/n), "Please?"

"Touch me, please me, use me." (Y/n) growled, "just please... I can't handle this."

Karlach's tail flicked happily, "Of course, princess." Karlach helped (y/n) remove her gown and gave no moment of rest. Her lips immediately began exploring revealed flesh. With each kiss (y/n) gasped softly, as if it was the most breathtaking thing. The noises were like a melody to Karlach, one she truly had not realized she needed so much.

"Gods..." (y/n) sighed deeply. Karlach hummed as if she was agreeing, sending a shockwave of goosebumps across (y/n)'s skin. (Y/n) had been afraid to move her hands up until this point, but at Karlach's sounds she suddenly gained momentum. Her fingers slid into Karlach's shirt, nails grazing her war-scarred skin.

"Oh- careful now." Karlach said after sucking in a breath, "That'll make me do things you'll be sore from tomorrow." Karlach nearly growled the words, which sent another wave of goosebumps across (y/n)'s skin.

"Maybe that's what I want."

Karlach lifted her head, eyes blazing as she made eye contact, "Is it now?"

(Y/n) whimpered, back arching slightly, "I just want you."

Karlach didn't think much of the confession, but (y/n)'s face flushed at her own words. Karlach planted kisses up (y/n)'s breasts and stopped at her collarbone. Each kiss was like fire, burning (y/n) with passion. She was losing her ability to breathe and to focus on anything other than Karlach. Not that she minded, it was a nice thing to focus on.

"How badly?" Karlach hissed against (y/n)'s neck. Karlach moved beside (y/n) and draped her leg over one of (y/n)'s. (Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat. All because Karlach's fingers grazed the hem of her panties in a tease like manner.

"Karlach." (Y/n) said her name softly, the word barely leaving her lips.

"I like it when you say my name." Karlach admitted with a small smile. Karlach watched (y/n) squirm underneath her touch with satisfaction. She wasn't normally one to tease like this, but (y/n)'s breathless sounds ignited a fire inside of her. However, Karlach wanted more. She slid her fingers over (y/n)'s panties, exploring the state that (y/n) was in.

"Oh- fuck!" (Y/n)'s legs parted instantly, giving Karlach all the access she could want. Karlach smiled, and a soft chuckle escaped her.

"Does this feel good?" Karlach hissed. She licked the side of (y/n)'s neck before giving a small nibble. "You don't have to answer, I can feel it."

(Y/n) shivered. Karlach was speaking to her in a way she had never experienced before. She never realized how arousing it was, how knee weakening it was. With each word, (y/n) could feel herself slipping down the rabbit hole. Falling down the deadly and deep hole that was her arousal and lust.

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