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       I never thought much would happen in my life. Not until it really began. How long has it been, two, three years? there's not a single day that goes by that I don't regret being alive. I loathe the fact that I have to get up every morning and strive to live. It's ironic how I lost everything I've ever loved for 'LOVE'. My back felt sore and my head ached as I pushed each foot in front of the other, plunging deeper into the busy street

             "YO, tomato head" a loud coarse voice called out. I slowly turned around, I didn't turn because I thought I was the person being called on, it was more of an instinctive move, if that made any sense. A feminine figure who had a hood over her head threw something at me and I caught out of reflexes. "Um, how did you get this" I eyed the tall girl who stood a few feet away from me.

"you're welcome" she said turning away, "OMG did you just try to steal from me" I ripped opened my wallet which she threw at me. "Aren't you being just a little bit melodramatic over two-dollar bills and a breath mint?" she droned; my eyes caught the ring on her lower lip as she spoke.
I frowned "you should be ecstatic I gave it back; you probably would have starved tonight". She pushed her hands into her pockets "I ought to call the police right now" I retorted she scoffed taking a step back. "Well, you're no fun" and with that she turned around and disappeared.

        The door creaked open and I walked into the house which had a nice aroma floating all over. I bent down undoing my shoes. "Heyyy, I thought I heard something! Welcome back Jaz, how was work" my roommate Kelsey popped out of the kitchen smiling warmly at me. I pulled my coat hanging it over the wooden rack by the door. "Oh you know, the usual, except I almost got robbed today" I pointed out groggily, I walked closer to the kitchen resting on the door frame. "Scratch that, I did get robbed and then she had some sort of intervention?" Kelsey paused turning to me "She?" she asked putting the knife down "She was so fucking cocky, acting like she did me a favor" my tone was low but was fused with resentment "Fridays! Am I right" She Laughed

      Kelsey's kitchen skills were admirable, she knows her way around the kitchen, she poured  the onions she had chopped into the pot. It's so cool how she handles everything by herself, I went over to the sink and busied myself with the stack of plates in it.

"There's frozen yogurt in the fridge, you can have it if you want" Kelsey said. Not taking her eyes off the pot of soup she was staring, she sighed then walked over to the sink where I stood and started rinsing the plates I washed. "You, okay? You look kinda down, or is it my imagination" I asked observing how she transited from happy to gloomy and back.  She bit her lips sucking in a mouthful of oxygen, her head cocked to my direction as if contemplating whether to tell me or not.

Casually she pulled the washing gloves dumping them on the sink and instinctively wiping her hands on her check apron. "Well... Beckham broke up with me" she wrapped her hand around her chest, all the way looking at me still biting her lip. I dropped the plate I held putting my palm over my mouth my face scrunched up into a small frown.

"Oh no, what happened, did you guys fight?" my question was met with a sullen look. "He found out about Finley" guilt skates through her face. "NO!" she sighed exasperatedly walking back to the stove with a small shrug. "I guess we're kissing our bountiful noodles supply goodbye" "OH NO! Kel that's even worse than getting your heart broken" my insensitivity earned me a good whack on the head but I stand by my word.

    "Fuck it! Let's go have fun at a club, there's no way in hell I'll stay cooped on this stuffy apartment on a Friday night" you'd think I would be used to her out of the blue enthusiasm, news flash, I barely get the girl. "Didn't you say you had lectures tomorrow morning" mildly, I inquired. She was as careless as she was cheerful. "No, I said I had class by 7am on Saturday" she chimed with a mouthful of rice. I gave her a knowing look. "Hold the phone, Jaz! My class really is tomorrow isn't it" wrinkles covered her forehead as she frowned. She clicked her tongue,

"you know what jasmine?"

"We are gonna finish this delicious rice."


"Wash up?"

"Yeah?" I coaxed with fake interest urging her to continue

"And go party hard at NEON SOIREE" she chimed waving her hands above her head.

"No thanks"

"Ugh common, it will be fun"

"Not interested" I dismissed her putting a spoonful of soup in my mouth

"Jasmine, don't you want to cheer me up, you know I'm going through a tough breakup ..."

        A thick mist rolled over the streets, merging with the lingering fog which made it impossible to see ahead of me. I walked further along the narrow path, wrapping myself in a hug. My breath forming small clouds in the cold air. Each step was muffled by the damp earth, I noticed a lantern at the other side of the lonely empty road. Where am I? The silence was profound, broken only by occasional drip of water.

"I am not a lesbian" A familiar voice screamed, I gasped. In an instant the mist vanished and I found myself in a very familiar place. There was a dim light in the room, it was warmer here and the smell was all too familiar, I blinked, disoriented trying to make sense of my surrounding. I turned, heart pounding, to see a figure standing in the shadows. I squinted to make out the figure which stood motionless watching me intently. "GET OUT, YOU ARE NO DAUGHTER OF MINE!" the silence was pierced by a clear and commanding voice. My heart pounded harder, "MOM?" I whispered; the figure crept out of the shadow with a glum look. "Olivia" I breathed out as tears filled my eyes. "I don't like you like that; I AM NOT A LESBIAN!" she shrieked; adrenaline rushed through me. "But you said you loved me?" I cried taking a step forwards my lips trembling as that cold stiffening breeze envelops me again. The sound of loud thuds against the floor boards approaches us. "GET OUT" Another cry from behind Olivia's figure. Olivia's neutral face began to contort unnaturally, skin rippling as something inside struggled to break free. Her eyes bulged and shifted, pupils dilating into monstrous slits. Sharp jagged teeth push through her gums. Another loud thud came with a thicker mist as Oliver transforms into a monstrous entity. "JASMINE!"

        I jolted awake, gasping for air as if I had been drowning in my own fears. Bids of sweat fell from my forehead as my eyes adjusted to the ray of sunlight filtering through the curtains, my heart beat softened a bit when, Kelsey's small figure appeared in front of me. Took a deep steady breath hoping to fade out the lingering echoes of my nightmare. the reality of the bedroom finally calming me. "Hey Jaz, I've trying to wake you, did a little booze taint your brain this much" the playful voice of my roommate evoked a positive energy, with a shuddering sigh, I closed my eyes, taking in the peace of dawn. "I have less than 10 minutes to be in school, you'll be having breakfast by yourself" Kelsey muttered putting on a black top, with her back to me. "Yes mom" she laughed picking up her bag and running out. Her head popped back in "PS, last night was a blast, who knew you could chug down so much booze so fast" Amusement laced in her tone she took off again. "I barely remember anything from last night, uggghhhh my head is killing me" I peeled the duvet off of me and got up heading for the bathroom, staring at my ragged reflection in the mirror, a long sigh escaped my lips. "Here we go again".



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