Chapter three - Mansion

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When Orange Steve woke up the next morning and went to check on Sabre he freaked out when he saw Sabre was missing and looked all around eventually found the note,

'Dear Orange Steve:
Some Dark figures came in yesterday and seemed really persistent that i went with them, so i have, please don't freak out i promise you i'll be fine and i'll come back once the dark figures have shown me what they wanted to show me.
Signed ~ Sabre'

Orange Steve was shocked, 'The darkness got into my house and took Sabre!?' he thought in a bit of a panic, 'They'll probably tell him the truth about the prophecy and then he'll join them and then Void will be free and everyone will get corrupted and- ...Sabre deserves the truth, doesn't he? I mean he's really nice and doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd do something like that.' Orange Steve thinks while looking out through the window,




'But i promised Red i'd keep Sabre from finding out the truth...' Orange Steve reminded himself, 'Maybe i could get Gerald to help find him by following his smell?' Orange Steve got out and started heading towards his pig pen 'Do i really want to do this? I mean i promised Red, but, ...No buts it's the least i could do for Red after everything he's done for me, okay, i'll get Sabre back then we'll look for Red together.'

"Gerald?" Orange Steve called out and a pig trotted up to him, "Could you help me find Sabre, the guy that came by yesterday together with Red?" Orange Steve asked as he held the note Sabre wrote in front of Gerald's nose,

Gerald nodded and immediately started trotting through the forest Orange Steve in tow.

With Sabre

Sabre was sitting up against a tree, this being the third break since he and the dark figures left Orange Steve's house, he watched as the dark figures talked in a weird language amongst themselves, Sabre having a vague feeling he had heard it before and that he understood it,

occasionally one of them would walk up to Sabre and ask if there was anything he wanted, for example food or something to drink while they rested, he politely declined and the figure that went up to him went back to what they were doing, eventually one of them gestured that it was time to continue so Sabre got up and followed them yet again,

until he heard someone calling his name from behind, he turned and saw Orange Steve and a pig(Gerald) behind him,

"Oh hey Orange Steve! Sorry about leaving without telling you-" Sabre is interrupted by Orange Steve who says "Can we just go back to my house?"

"But they wanted to show me something" "They're most likely dangerous." "Wouldn't they have attacked me by now then?" "Yea..." "I don't think they'll mind if you come with, right?" none of the dark figures spoke up, "See?" Sabre said, Orange Steve looked at the dark figures before sighing, "Okay, i'll come with..." Orange Steve replied, Gerald looked at him

and they continued on, now with Orange Steve and Gerald following along.

Eventually they a big mansion, it was made of dark oak wood and planks with wind chimes at the front door, Sabre felt that he'd seen the mansion before but couldn't exactly remember when he had seen it, Orange Steve was impressed by how big it was

the dark figures stopped at the door step and waited for Sabre to open the door before walking inside, the inside of the mansion was dusty and there were a lot of cobwebs everywhere, "Wow this looks like it hasn't been cleaned in ages." Orange commented,

Sabre looking around for a bit before one of the dark figures came up to him and gestured for him to follow, he did and after walking through like 7 halls the two reached a door with Sabre's name on it,

"Why is my name on it?" Sabre asked, "Because this is your room my prince." the dark figure replied, "Why do you all keep calling me 'your prince'?" Sabre asked,

"The king, your father, assumed you would not remember since he sent you away, we are your servants and you are our prince, though back then we were simply your playmates." the dark figure answered,

"Okay?" Sabre said, still slightly confused, 'That explains why the mansion seemed so familiar' he thought, "We have traveled for long my prince, you should rest now, i and the others will prepare a meal for you." the dark figure said whilst looking at a window in the hall, "Okay, thank you!" Sabre said before going inside and resting,

meanwhile Orange Steve was a bit cautious because of the dark figures, but is slowly letting his guard down, Gerald is walking around a bit carefree and the dark figures seem a bit fascinated by Gerald,

suddenly one of the dark figures taps another's shoulder and the two whisper a bit before leaving the mansion, a little later they return and ask for Gerald to follow them, Orange Steve follows just in case and sees a big pig pen outside, the dark figures point at it and Gerald walks inside of it and nodded in approval,

'Should i tell Sabre the truth, i mean the dark figures are probably going to do it anyways, he might hate me if i don't...' Orange Steve thinks while heading inside,

Orange Steve gets back inside and is immediately met with one of the dark figures coming right up to him, "Hello!" It greeted,

"Hi?" Orange Steve said, a little confused, "I'm Tangerine, the others don't exactly have names but i wanted to have one so the prince wouldn't be confused about which of us that i am :D" the dark figure, Tangerine, said,

"O-oh, nice to meet you Tangerine!" Orange Steve says, Tangerine gains a white smile,

Orange Steve smiles back, still a bit nervous but then, "Wait, "The prince"?" Orange Steve asked, "Yea! Sabre! He's our-" Tangerine gestures to the other dark figures "prince and his father is our king!" Tangerine explained,

"Oh, ... Wait Sabre's royalty!?" Orange Steve says in surprise, "He is to us." Tangerine answers, "Huh, wow." Orange Steve said still surprised over the fact Sabre is royalty,

one of the dark figures walks over to Tangerine, "The prince is now resting, i suggest that you and the rest of us do the same, i am not sure about the Steve or the pig." the dark figure said, "Okay, i'll get to doing that once i show Orange Steve one of the guest rooms!" Tangerine answers, the dark figure nods and walks away,

"Here, let me show you one of the guest rooms!" Tangerine says before walking along, Orange Steve following behind.

(I should've maybe waited but i really wanted to publish this-)

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