Chapter one - Red

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In the present time, a young man by the name of Sabre can be seen walking through a forest, he's not sure why, but he feels drawn towards something in the forest,

as he gets deeper into the forest he notices a shadowy figure waving at him, he waves back, a bit confused and the figure gestures for him to follow, so he does,

eventually they reach a tomb, inside is a blue and dark figure which glares at Sabre, "Be careful of releasing a world long ago sealed away by ancient beings." The figure said, Sabre backs up but the blue and dark figure is suddenly behind him,

"Uh, maybe we can talk this out?" Sabre says but then suddenly, in a flash of lightning he finds himself in another place, he looks around slightly panicked, 'Oh no...' he thinks to himself, 'Maybe i could just break my way out of here?' he tries but just ends up hurting his hands, 'Nevermind.' he then looks around, paying more attention to where he is, he notices a brightly lit hallway ahead of him with a portal at the end, he walks down the hallway and through the portal, the sound of lightning ringing through his ears,

he looks up and notes that he seems to be in a room of some sorts, he turns and looks at the portal which suddenly shatters into a million pieces, causing him to stumble back and fall down with a semi loud THUNK

suddenly a red figure bursts into the room through a secret door and quickly presses himself up against the wall next to Sabre, "Hello?" Sabre says catching the attention of the red figure, "I assume you're the one the prophecy spoke off." the red figure said while sounding slightly hostile and unintentionally confusing Sabre,

"What do you mean? What prophecy?" Sabre asked confused by what Red Steve meant, "Oh! Oh- you don't know?" the red figure seemed surprised by Sabre's cluelessness, "No, i don't, what's going on?" Sabre really was confused and Red Steve seemed to realize this,

"Oh!" 'Maybe this can be to our advantage, but i'll have to tell Orange so he can tell the others' the red figure thinks, "Well there's a prophecy that a savior will come through the, now broken, portal and help create the hero and fight off the darkness!" 'Smart plan Red.' the red figure thinks to himself, "Oh, i assume that's me then?" Sabre asks, the red figure nods before saying

"Yup! That's you! I am Red Steve by the way." 'Though the real prophecy is actually different, in that one you free The Darkness and then help it free Void.'

"Huh, my name is Sabre, do you mind telling me why you ran in here while in a panic?" Sabre asks while getting up from the floor, "Oh! Something chased me home and this was the safest place to be, you know, incase you came." Red Steve says in a calm and sorta casual voice,

"Okay, do you think it's gone now?" "We could check" "Okay"

thankfully(for Red Steve) whatever had chased him is now gone, "Phew it's gone." Red Steve says, relief imminent in his voice, "Come! I'll take you to the temple that's nearby and teach you about how this world works." Red Steve says with a calm excitement, "Okay, sounds fun!" Sabre replies,

after walking for a while, unaware of what was following the two, they finally reach a temple which seems to have been built into the side of a mountain.

(Everyone who's watched the first episode know what happens next and since i don't really want to type the entire thing out since it's basically the same[Except the darkness not trying to do anything to Sabre at all other than waving at him and being friendly], i'm just gonna tell you the aftermath of The Darkness escaping the temple and them getting out as well)

Sabre was confused, 'Why didn't the darkness attack me? Why was it so friendly towards me yet basically pounced on Red Steve?' he thought, things were getting confusing really quickly, "Oh no..." Red Steve muttered with worry, 'What is he so worried about?' Sabre thought as he looked at his red companion, "Follow me, there's something i need to get and- and then we'll go meet a friend of mine." Red Steve said pretending to be calm but Sabre could hear the fear in the other's voice.

When they reached Red Steve's house he told Sabre to stay outside as he ran inside, Sabre obliged and stayed outside watching the wind blow through the trees and the sky slowly greying, signifying that a storm was on it's way,

eventually Red Steve came out looking slightly defeated, "Did you find what you were looking for?" Sabre asked, "No, let's- let's just go meet my friend now." Red Steve said in a calm but slightly defeated voice, "Okay, lead the way Red!" Sabre said in an optimistic tone of voice,

and so, the two began walking through the forest.

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