Chapter two: Orange

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Red Steve had stopped after a while and told Sabre to wait, Sabre complied and sat down, Red Steve walked over towards the nearby lake and an orange figure came up to greet him, the two talked for a while before Red Steve called Sabre over,

"Hi! I'm Orange Steve" the orange figure said with excitement, "Nice to meet you Orange Steve i'm Sabre" Sabre introduced himself

"Orange, can we go to your house and talk..?" Red Steve asked, seeming nervous, "Yea sure! Follow me!" Orange Steve replied.

After about twenty minutes of walking they finally reached a pretty orange and white house, Sabre gasped and Orange Steve looked very proud

"This is my house, come on i'll make some tea!" Orange Steve said in a happy tone of voice, Sabre and Red Steve obliged and went inside, Orange Steve went to the kitchen as Sabre and Red Steve sat next to each other on the couch,

"So, what were you looking for?" Sabre asked, Red Steve, who looked to have been zoning out, snapped back to reality, "N-Nothing important." Red Steve said nervously, "Okay?" Sabre said, slightly confused and not entirely believing what Red Steve said,

"Tea's done!" Orange Steve exclaimed and walked over with a tray, three tea cups on top, Orange Steve places the tray on the table and puts two coasters in front of Sabre and Red Steve and a third across from the two before placing the tea cups on the coasters,

"I wasn't sure what kind of tea you wanted so i just made you some camomile tea." Orange Steve said while giving Sabre a smile, Sabre smiled back and said "Thanks Orange."

Orange Steve sat on the couch across and the three sat in silence for a bit just enjoying their tea,

"Hey, c-can i be alone for a bit, there's something i need to think about." Red Steve said, breaking the silence, "Sure, i don't see why not! Hey Sabre, do you want to see something cool?" Orange Steve said turning his attention from Red Steve to Sabre "Yea sure!" Sabre replied and the two went outside,

Orange Steve showing Sabre a nice garden filled with orange tulips and other kinds of orange flowers all of them seemingly sparkled in the daylight, Sabre was fascinated by the flowers and commented on how pretty they were,

the two talked about flowers for a few hours before they suddenly heard lightning from inside the house, they ran over and Sabre flung the door open, Red Steve was gone and all that was left was a small tea stain on the greyish orange carpet,

"Huh? where did he go?" Sabre asked confused, "How should i know?" Orange Steve replied, "I don't know" Sabre said, the two looked at the stain for a while before closing the door, "I guess we'll have to go looking for him." Sabre said, Orange Steve replied with "Yea, we should."

the two look at the sky and notices that it's getting late, "Should we wait until tomorrow?" "Good idea." The two then walked inside again, Orange Steve showed Sabre a spare room were he could stay and then went to his own room,

Sabre sat down on the bed and looked out of the window watching the sun slowly set, then suddenly he saw a dark figure looking in at him from the window, it waved and Sabre slowly waved back extremely confused by the friendliness of the dark figure,

the dark figure tapped lightly on the window as if to ask if it can come inside, Sabre reluctantly opens the window and the dark figure slips inside before hugging Sabre, Sabre is surprised but hugs back, the dark figure then let's go of the hug and so does Sabre, the sun is almost set now and the dark figure looks outside,

suddenly more dark figures came up and came inside, Sabre noticed that all of the figures were kinda short, the one that had arrived first reached up to just beneath his shoulders,

the dark figures all huddled around him, looking at him expectantly, "What?" Sabre said, the figures pointed outside, Sabre thought for a bit before asking "Do you.. want me to come with?" The figures all nodded, "Oh, well i should probably tell Orange where i'm going-" suddenly all of the figures shook their heads and pointed more determinedly to the outside, "O-kay...?" Sabre said with slight confusion,

he felt bad for not telling Orange Steve where he was going so he left a note before going over to the window and climbing out then down, the dark figures followed him and gestured for him to follow them, he obliged and they started walking towards somewhere with Sabre in tow.


Alright so i have three ideas for how chapter three can go and i would like to let you all decide which version you'd like:

Version one: Orange Steve wakes up to find Sabre gone and a note on the table, he gets Gerald to sniff the paper so he can find Sabre, meanwhile Sabre is brought to a big mansion and told a bit about his past

Version two: the same as version one but Orange Steve catches up to them and gets Sabre back before they can reach the mansion, the dark figures don't attack Orange Steve because they might hurt Sabre

Version three: the same as version two but when Orange Steve catches up to him, Sabre convinces him to come with and Orange Steve debates if he should tell Sabre the truth or let the dark figures do it, the dark figures actually treat Orange Steve pretty nicely since Sabre likes him(as a friend though if you guys want it to be a ship then i'll try), Gerald is also treated nicely and a pig pen is built just for him.

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