Chapter four - night time

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It was sometime during the night and Orange Steve woke up due to a thunk and the feeling of being watched, when he looked around the room he spotted that the door was open and something or someone red and black jumped out of the window right before Tangerine ran into the room,

"Orange! Good, whatever or whoever that was didn't attack you-" Tangerine was suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone breaking their legs after jumping out of a window on the second floor,

"Uh, should we check that out?" Orange Steve asked the dark figure which he only just now noticed was wearing orange gloves, "Good idea Orange!" Tangerine exclaimed before turning around and speeding out the door, Orange Steve following behind, 'Wow he is really fast.' Orange Steve thought in surprise as he attempted to follow Tangerine through the many halls and corridors they needed to go through before reaching the stairs and it was first then that Tangerine slowed down which allowed Orange Steve to catch up to him,

"You're really fast Tangerine" Orange Steve said slightly out of breath, "Thanks! I uh, i used to be a Yellow Steve.." Tangerine said, a bit nervous, "Oh, really? What happened?" Orange Steve said as the two started walking down the stairs,

"I was lost in the forest and pretty badly hurt when King Void found me, he tried to help me but my injuries were getting the better of me, he told me he had one other way to hopefully save me but it was a bit risky since he didn't know if it would actually work, i really didn't want to die so i told him it was worth the risk, it worked and here i am now, there's some nice ups to it but also a few downs." Tangerine finished his explanation right as they reached the bottom of the stairs where they were met with some of the other dark figures holding a red and black Steve that seemed very familiar to Orange Steve

"Red?" Orange Steve mumbled a bit confused, "You know him?" Tangerine asked, "He looks like my friend, he uh, wanted to lie to Sabre about well, the prophecy and a lot of other things..." Orange Steve said feeling bad about agreeing to go along with it,

"Sometimes i ask myself how the darkness is seen as villains when things like that happens." Tangerine comments, "I... i guess i can see why.." Orange Steve replies still feeling a bit bad, "Oh, i'm not saying you're bad! you haven't exactly done anything wrong." Tangerine comforted Orange Steve as the dark figures dragged the red and black Steve away since he was trying to bite everyone,

"Do you know why he was acting like that?" Orange Steve asks out of curiosity and worry, "No clue, maybe one of the others that had gone insane infected him?" Tangerine said not entirely sure about it,

"What do you mean?" Orange Steve asked, "Yea... some of us went insane while sealed away..." Tangerine replied rubbing the back of his neck,

"Aww :[" Orange Steve said in a sympathetic tone, Tangerine sighs, "It's fine, really, how about you go back to bed now since it's-" Tangerine checks a clock on the wall, "-wow almost 5 am!" Tangerine was surprised by the time before somehow picking Orange Steve up and carrying him all the way to the room Orange Steve got to stay in and then plopping him on the bed,

"You get to sleep now, i'll come and wake you up later when breakfast has been made V-V" Tangerine says before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him and leaving Orange Steve confused before carefully laying down and falling asleep.
(Should i make the non-canon characters that will show up in the story as Minecraft skins and show them as the story goes along? No matter the answers i will probably make Tangerine as a minecraft skin :P he's my favorite ngl)

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