Thirteen - Kory

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His bones ached. For the rest of the night he stayed in the tent.

Minutes. Hours. Days it could be, if he doesn't get up soon. Kory stirred, sitting up as he rubbed his forearm, his fingers tracing the scars against his skin, that were fading. He didn't like that his scars were fading. He didn't know why, but he just didn't like it.

Kory looked down at his arms. They only were covered by old scars from needles, or burn marks from the 'zapping'. He didn't want to leave the tent, it was dark in there. He liked the dark, it was mostly quiet, unless the crickets chirped and the cicadas buzzed at night.

It was loud outside. Everything was more blurry, his mind hazy every time me he left to observe the outside nature. Everything might be blurry due to his eyesight though. He always asked the older staff for glasses, or 'spectacles', as they always told him to call them. Even with his numerous requests, it ended with them saying that he 'didn't need them'.

His spine stung, pricks of pain coming in waves as he tried forcing himself to leave the episode he was soon to be dragged into. It was better he left the tent sooner than later. They wouldn't be in the forest any longer, anyway.

The joints in his knuckles popped as he pressed his fingers against the rough, grassy floor. Ironic that the tents don't have 'floors'.

He peeked his head out to see who was awake. Zeke and Aaliyah weren't in the tent with him, fortunately. Kory didn't feel like looking at Zeke after what he did. Why did he say that, anyway? It was unbelievably unnecessary, in Kory's opinion. He thought Zeke would keep it a secret. He didn't ask for him to keep it as one, though.

Zeke and Aaliyah were sitting under a tree, talking as they stared at nothing. Ophelia and Konrad were not outside, most likely still asleep in their tent. Raymond was stood in front of a lake, a fishing pole in his hands as he idly waited for something to bite. Kory's futile observations were for his own entertainment. He didn't want to leave the tent. He didn't want to talk to Zeke, or anyone. If he did, he only wanted to talk to Raymond. He was the nicest, and never seemed to get mad. Kory never knew how to not get mad. It seemed impossible.

He didn't know why he was like this. Different from others. He wished he could like girls. He wished he could've just kept his mouth shut, and keep Zeke from his disgusting 'secret.' It wasn't a secret anymore. It was out in the open, being hung in the air for everyone to see, for everyone to hear the pained muffled cries inside its body. His body.

Kory felt like bugs were crawling beneath his skin. Maybe it was from stress, or the pitiful awkwardness between him and Zeke. He didn't know why he liked him, or even gave him a second glance either. Zeke was obviously thinking of something else. Someone else.

He turned his distracted gaze to Raymond, who was still fishing in a lake. Kory coughed, his throat aching with each involuntary cough. He cleared his throat and got up, his back aching as well. His direction was unclear, he didn't know where he was trying to go. His legs moved sluggishly, his muscles potentially giving up on him. He walked towards Raymond, awkwardly standing next to him. Raymond sniffled, not noticing Kory in the first few seconds. His peripheral vision saw Kory, making him turn his head completely and look down. Kory was a bit short, like five-foot-one. Meanwhile, Raymond was six-foot-one. "What's up with you, kid?" Raymond asked, as he idly kept his stance near the lake.

Kory looked up at him. "I just feel weird."

"'Cause of last night? It wasn't your fault." Raymond looked back at the lake. "I still think you're a cool kid. Even if you aren't keen on liking chicks." Cool kid? It didn't really make sense to Kory, to be called a 'cool kid'. It sounded weird.

"...Oh." Kory murmured, picking at his bitten nails.

"I'm proud of you, kid. Taking those... super hurtful words like a champ. That took guts." Raymond says, his words of solace poorly doing its work.

"You're proud of me?" Kory slowly asked.

Raymond nodded.

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