Party Time P2

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We went to the elevator and stopped on the third floor, our room door was left open mostly by fix or the maids. We walked in and as Mrs Read said the clothes were on the bed neatly waithing for us. I walked over to my bed as Fix did and we put the clothes on our on washed bodies. I'm thing we are going to sweat so there's no point of showering now.

"Awe there not slut clothes!!" I hear Fix say from my left. I looked at him with a what the fuck look and he did the same to me. Rolling my eyes I went back to the clothes in front of me and it included a pare of sweatpants and a black tee. Fuck they really want us to sweat! Nonetheless I put them on as Fix and I finished a maid came in and told us to follower her. She lead us into a room with bright lights and upbeat music.

"Okay sirs your dance instructor would be with you in a moment." She said and was on her way.

"Um yeah." To say the lease I was a bit nervous, because knowing myself I don't know how to dance for shit, and from the looks of it Fix did. What can't this boy do like come on. First he's good looking second he knows how to flirt on quo, three he can say what he wants and not feel sorry about it. In the back of my mind I kind of was jealous of him.

"Clark! Look what I can do." Fix said calling me by my fake fake name. I looking over and I see him shaking his ass like a striper in the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes and went to sit on one of the chairs that were hanging around.

"Do you always have to show off?! Like do you ever stop L-U-I-S? I questioned very not much happy, and he caught it with surprise.

"Chill bruh, I can't help being this talented. Plus have you seen me!." He finished pointing to himself whilst doing a little spin.
. I was about to retaliate but got interrupted.

"Um hello did anybody tell you to sit down young man?" An old woman said as she entered the room also holding a cane in here hand and dark shades on. I did a double take to see if she was being serious. "Um hello I'm I talking to myself? Get up!"

"Ah- I mean sorry." I looked fix with a slight eye and I could see him about to burst with laughter from my action.

"Hello aright you the cutest thing." Fix said smiling a the dance instructor as he walked closer to her. She smiled up at him and he gave her a kiss on the side of her face.

"You could learn a bit or two from you pal over here." The old woman said, patting Fix cheeks.

"Yeah whatever."


Thirty minutes into the dance rotten Fix already had the dance in the bag and I was just messing up everything and the dances weren't even that hard. Agh! What is wrong with me!!

"Clark what is wrong with you, the step are fucking easy. All you have to do is air hump the person then kiss them then later on fuck them!!"

"You know what Luis I'm not feeling well and you here trying to make me feel worst! Just stop giving me unwanted advices!"

"Oh like the ones you have Niall." He said and I just wanted to punch the shit out of him, how could he, when he knew talking about Niall was a sensitive topic.
I shook my head and grab he's shirt. "Bro!"

"Shut the fuck up, don't you ever bring Niall into this. You got it! Since you're so good why don't you wine on her and I'll do the kissing!" I storm out of the room and took the elevator to the three floor. I entered the room and jumped and landed on my bed flat faced, I felt for my phone on the night stand and when I found it I lifted my head up.

In Text Form

Z: Niall I need to talk to you. Please it me Zayn.

I really don't know why I'm doing this to myself. I know Niall don't want to speak to me, but every time I'm not having a good day or I feel needy I have to talk to him. I think I need to forget about him but I can't and I don't want to.

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