Two Year In.

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Two year in and I still work for Danielle, so much for getting enough street credit and quitting. But working here for two year made me some easy cash though.

"Zayn hurry up, or will be the last one's at the party!! Fix is already outside waiting for us." Hannah said basically pushing me out the door.

"Wait, Hannah! I need to fill in my eyebrows. As you can tell Hannah and I became really good friends, and she don't pay me for sex anymore mostly the fact we came to the conclusion that we should stop, because it could make our friendship awkward. Oh and Fix started to talk to me again after a month. I'm really happy he did because I really love knowing I'm not the only one in this situation. "Okay there I'm ready." We both ran out of my apartment, almost knocked my other neighbor Andrew as we ran down the stairs.

"Hey watch it assholes!!"

"Sorry... Asshole." Hannah said sticking the middle finger at him. Fix was waiting for us in his car taking selfies.


"Ahhh!!! Don't do that Zayn!!"  Fix said putting his hand up like he was going to choke me.

"Sorry! Haaaha I didn't know your head was going to hit the top of the car." I did in defense.

"Haahaaa! I did."

"Shut up. I didn't ask for you input you rat!" Fix said, rolling his eyes as Hannah entered the car after me. Fix and Hannah relationship is not the best... In fact they hate each other, if it wasn't for me she won't be sitting in his car right now. Putting that aside Fix started the car after we all put our sit belts of course.

"Will I don't give a fuck what you think fuck head." Hannah replayed making fix turn red.

"You know what!! Get the fuck out my car!!" Fix Yelled stopping the car in the middle of the road.

"Agh. Guys stop!  David pull over." I took off my seatbelt after fix parked to get comfortable. "Okay guys, we are about to go to a party of a lifetime! Stop fighting for one day, and at least try to get along. Okay?... Okay!!"

"Okay!" The both said.

"Good, now Hannah apologize to David."

"Why, do I have-" she tried to argue back.

"I said apologize!! Your in his fucking car. You can just diss him like that. Apologize or your walking to the party, cause don't let this face fool you, I'll do it."

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry fix or David.

"Fix is fine. And I'm sorry too."

"Good. That's much better."

"Alright, now Zayn put on you seatbelt so we can go already!" Fix pushed my shoulder breaking the whole mushness.

"Way ahead of you."


"Omg this place is sick!!!" David yell running over to the bar table. "And this place was sick, it was all filled with glow in the dark lights.

"Fuck who know that being friends with a pornstar can get you into a party as great as thiszl!!" Hannah yelled over the music. I have her a look that said cut it out. "Uh,uh I mean I want to live her for the rest of my life?"

"Yeah much better." I think I'm going to join fix.

"Yeah you do that I'm going to find some people that I can get high with. Join me if your up for it!"

"Yeah and if your ready to go home we are going to meet here okay!"  I replayed.

"Yeah, okay!!" I walked over to Fix a put my hand over his shoulder.

Take My Advice A Short Ziall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now