5. Your absence 🙂

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When I think of him, my body hurts,
I feel a deep longing, my heart flirts.
His presence stays, a sweet kind of pain,
It's bittersweet, my heart's not the same.

In quiet times, his image appears,
In my mind, erasing all my fears.
His touch, a memory etched on my skin,
A reminder of love buried deep within.

Every day, I yearn for his embrace,
His warmth, his love, my soul's safe space.
But when he's gone, an emptiness takes hold,
A mix of hot and cold, a pain so bold.

His presence haunts me, a sweet torment,
A constant reminder of love that was once spent.
Though it hurts, I cherish the pain I feel,
It shows our love was real and surreal.

In the depths of my heart, his memory stays,
A love that lingers, no matter the waves.
Even though we're apart, worlds away,
I'll hold onto that ache, that bittersweet play.

So in thoughts of him, I find solace and pain,
A reminder of a love that will forever remain.
In the ache, the longing, my heart finds its way,
Love knows no boundaries, come what may.

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