13 . Love's spark

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In a single glance, the world stood still,
A moment of magic, a heart's sudden thrill.
Eyes locked in a gaze, a spark in the air,
Love at first sight, beyond compare.

A connection so deep, it defies all reason,
A magnetic pull, a love in its season.
In that fleeting moment, souls intertwine,
A love story written in the stars, so divine.

Time stands still, as hearts beat in sync,
A symphony of emotions, words unable to think.
The universe conspires, bringing two hearts near,
Love at first sight, so crystal clear.

In the depths of those eyes, a story unfolds,
A love that's timeless, a tale to be told.
With every breath, a newfound desire,
Love at first sight, a burning fire.

But let us remember, love's journey's just begun,
For true love is built, not only by what's done.
It takes patience and kindness, a love that grows,
From that magical moment, where love first chose.

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