6. Embracing the scars 🙂

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Some wounds never heal, they persist and persist,
Leaving scars on our hearts, a constant twist.
They may fade with time, but never truly mend,
Reminding us of pain, again and again.

These wounds run deep, etched in our very soul,
Aching with memories that take their toll.
They shape who we are, our strength and our strife,
But they don't define us, they're just a part of life.

Though they may never fully disappear,
We learn to live with them, facing our fear.
They teach us compassion, empathy, and grace,
And remind us that healing is not a race.

So let's embrace these wounds, however they may be,
For they are a testament to our resilience, you see.
They show that we've endured, that we're still here,
And that we have the power to persevere.

Remember, my friend, you're not alone in this,
We all carry wounds, a shared human abyss.
But together we heal, through love and support,
And find strength in the scars that life has brought.

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