chapter two

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I thought you thought of me better,
Someone you couldn't lose.
You said, "we're not together."
So now when we kiss, I have anger issues.


Jisung slumped down onto his bed, letting his body fall onto it, Minho trailing in behind him, locking the door after himself

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Jisung slumped down onto his bed, letting his body fall onto it, Minho trailing in behind him, locking the door after himself.

"Get up, Ji, we have a project to finish." The elder smiled as he extended his arm towards Jisung's face, though the younger had his eyes closed shut.

The pair had picked eachother as partners for their English assignment, which just so happened to be a group project. The project was designated as a huge part of their overall grade for that semester, so naturally they had to do well, albeit, the assignment was about a Shakespearean tragedy; Julius Caesar.

Jisung finally opened his eyes and raised himself off his cushiony matress, Minho's arm assisting greatly. "Can't we all just agree Brutus and Cassius are gay and move on?" Jisung whined, contrasting his action of getting up from the bed to fetch his laptop.

"Apparently not, my love." Minho exhaled a small laugh, unaware of the newfound stiffness in Jisung's actions at the nickname. "Though, I'm convinced they were in love with eachother." Minho continued as Jisung finally found his spot next to the elder.

Were nicknames just a normal thing in no strings attached relationships which were supposed to be strictly physical? Jisung didn't know, but he assumed they were seeing as Minho was much more experienced than him in this sort of thing.

It was no secret that Lee Minho didn't 'do' relationships. If you happened to be one of the people he bedded with, you were a lucky one. Ofcourse Minho had his fair share of flings, most of which ended in a week, but those too, were merely physical.

Minho wasn't one for domestic romance and everyone had accepted it,, even Jisung, though he still wanted to believe they could be more.

Sometimes, Jisung would have the privilege of meeting some of these said romances, although any interactions with them only made Jisung bitter, jealous and pissed off. It wasn't the people, more of who they were sleeping with.

But now that it was him sleeping with Minho, he was suddenly all for self love.

"Ji, did you finish reading the scene yet, I'm done with this part." Minho spoke the younger out of his thoughts, motioning to the screen which displayed a scene from the drama the duo were supposed to finish reading by today.

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