chapter four

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Knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out, is it casual now?
Two weeks and your mom invites me to her  house at long beach, is it casual now?


"Please come with me, she's been begging me!" Minho exclaimed, clutching onto Jisung's hands as tightly as humanly possible while he attempted to get Jisung to agree

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"Please come with me, she's been begging me!" Minho exclaimed, clutching onto Jisung's hands as tightly as humanly possible while he attempted to get Jisung to agree.

"I'll ask my mom, okay?" Jisung sighed with a huff, sinking his feet into the silver sand at the beach.

The sand appeared like stars, specifically ones that had fallen, in the blue light of the moon. The stars which had managed to stay floating in the sky shimmered and glinted, taking some of the anxiety away from Jisung's gut. The night sky was a beautiful sight, so calm and eerie and yet so peaceful and serene.

The boys watched the moon, Minho with a smile on his face and Jisung with a worried expression on his.

The boys spent quite a few of their weekends on the shore, Minho's dad's house being only a small distance to the sea. So here they were once again, though it wasn't the weekend yet, seated on partially warm sand; albeit, Jisung could not tell if it was the sand that was warm or the hand Minho had placed on his thigh.

"Your mom will say yes." Minho whispered, disrupting the tranquility of their environment, filling it with an assertion of joy instead.

"I know!" Jisung flung his arms up, as if to say he was annoyed, though he couldn't help the smile that latched itself onto his face.

Minho had just invited the boy to his mom's house for the first weekend of their summer holidays, which were still as far away as a month, claiming his mother had been begging him for arranging a reunion of sorts between Jisung and herself.

Minho's mom's house being an hour to the west, at long beach, Jisung didn't visit often-- this playing a role in rarely meeting Minho's mom on recent occasions though the younger boy loved the woman; and as did the woman to the boy.

Jisung's own mother was a fan of the woman aswell; the two of them having been friends ever since Jisung invited Minho over to his house for the first time in his first year of highschool.

So it wasn't a surprising assertion to gather that Jisung's mom would be more than happy to let the younger boy visit; especially when it was Minho's family that was inviting him over, hell, she might even come along herself.

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