Three weeks of a free period with no teacher. I sighed as I got up. I really hated physics and the thought of a new teacher made me cringe. I put on my leggings and a plain white t-shirt. I styled my braids in a high ponytail and left two braids out in the front. I put my black converse on and went out the door.

"Bye mama!" I yelled as I went downstairs. No reply. Rude.

I was once again running late. I finally reached school on time but the bell was about to ring. I suddenly bumped into a very tall woman, I looked up, I didn't recognize her. She had long black hair that reached down that fat ass with piercing green eyes Her lips were perfectly full and that waist was like snatched.
She looked down on me and rolled her eyes, then walked away. The way her legs move, my eyes followed her ass. Until Blaire came up behind me and smacked my head.

"Close your mouth. You look like a pufferfish that wants to give someone a blowjob." She said. I just roll my eyes. Rude. Again. Why was everyone being rude to me on this nice morning?
"Blaire!" I said as I smacked her head too.
"Ouch!" She said as she pushed me to the side.
My eyes were still on that luscious ass. I needed to figure out a name for it.

"Are you trying to think of ass names again?"

Did I say that out loud?

"I was thinking of Miss. Badonkadonk, Thiccalicious, or Humpalicious" I said.

Blaire cringed then laughed at me. "Definitely Miss Badonkadonk" she laughed.

"Oh shit. I'm five minutes late for first period" I said before I gave blaire a hug and ran to my class.
By then, I was already 8 minutes late and to my surprise, it was Miss. Badondakdonk. She looked me up and down


Well shit.

I literally couldn't stop staring at her ass as she wrote her name on the board. Christina Masons she wrote in perfect cursive. She passed out the syllabus and immediately went to teaching. No introductions or anything.

She seemed like a great teacher, just a bit cold.
Actually, No, not just a bit. She was very cold.

The time for the class went by slow, but it was cool because I could keep staring at that dump truck Ms. Masons Had. Suddenly, the bell rang.
I really didn't want to go but I had to.

I really wanted to keep thinking about what I would do with that damn nuclear bomb she was walking around with but if I was late one more time to English I would have ISS. You can wait Miss. Badonkadonk.

I packed my bag and went out of the classroom as quick as I could. I ran towards Blaire and we started walking to English.

"Miss Badonkadonk gave you detention?!"

She practically yelled through the halls. We started getting weird looks from people walking all around and I had to smack blaire in the head to shut her up.
"Quiet down!" I semi-whispered.

"But yes, she gave me detention. It just gives me more time to stare at that murder weapon she got back there though."
I said, as I grabbed Blaire's lunchbox and started eating from it. It was English, surprisingly the teacher was a cool person and let us eat.

But I was thinking about eating something else, definitely not Blaire's chips. Just as I was about to put my hand in there Blaire smacked it away.

"You fucking goblin! Gobbling all the food and all the pussy." She said as she yanked her lunchbox away from my reach. I put my hand to my chest and gasped, pretending I was offended "Remember that time you got fire in your hair and I helped you take it out?"

"You did not! helped me take it out!" She said amusedly "Your cat did not help you take it out! And I keep asking you this but you never answered me. You named your cat... Meowington?" I said in between my laughter.

"Yes. Yes I did".

The class went by pretty smoothly, the whole day did, actually. It was now time for my detention. Honestly, if it was any other teacher I would probably just skip it. But Ms Badonkadonk? Nah.

I said my goodbyes to Blaire and walked to the Mrs.Itriedeeverynighrforababywithmyhubby's
old room. The physics room. Ms.Badonkadonks classroom. I reached her class and I unsurprisingly was late to detention. "Detention again." Ms. Badonkadonk said as she looked at me. Yeah, she definitely wants me.

I sighed heavily as I went to find my seat. Ms Badonkadonk came out with a physics book and gave it to me and assigned me some problems. Safe to say, I had no idea what I was doing. I chose "C" too many times to it had to be B or A this time.

I really couldn't care less though when that ass and that pretty face was just so close to me. The detention bell rang, which was the final bell of the day but I sat there. In my seat.

Stay positively gay!


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