When I got to class, I was about 20 minutes late, and Ms. Masons spent her sweet time opening the door for me so I was actually almost 30 minutes late. And I only had about another 40-45 minutes in her class. Which if you didn't know, it's not much time for physics. Well, at least not for me.

Ms. Masons had passed out some sort of worksheet before she got here, and taught some stuff too. Turns out, I missed out on a lot because I was late, I would say it wouldn't happen again, but it probably would. Knowing myself. Instead of doing the worksheet Ms. Masons passed out, I took my phone and started texting Blaire. And, I kid you not. She was hovering over me like a damn hawk with her arms stretched out, waiting for my phone.

I sighed. "I'll put it away I promise!" I pleaded with her, with no success.

"You should never have had it out anyway. Hand it over Ms. Fleur." I lo

ok at her and smirk at this opportunity. I motion for her to come closer to me, and she did. I then whispered in her ear
"Maybe you can also be Ms.Fleur too. Or I could be Ms. Masons. I don't mind."

I said as I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at her, and I hand her my phone, making sure to intertwine my fingers with her soft hands. She rolls her eyes at me

"That's a referral."

I shrug. It was worth it. She walks away and I shamelessly look at her ass moving in that tight dress.
They were so perfectly round, they looked like a perfect ice cream scoop. weird way to describe it, I know. But they were just so perfect.

The bell rang, and I went to Ms. Masons desk at the front, she looks up at me with daggers in her eyes. "Get. Out."
I smirk again, at a wonderful opportunity. "But I wanna get inside you." Ok. Too far. Regret saying that.

Her eyes widen when I said this, and that's when she bent down and took her shoe off, ready to throw it at me. I ran out of the classroom before she did. Honestly, she should've bent down for me instead. Wait. She technically did, Because the whole reason she bent down was so she could get her shoe to throw at me, so she technically bent down for me. Delusional, I know.

I mentally curse Blaire for not coming to school today. She knows I can't survive this hell hole without her. We usually go out to McDonald's and get food, but since she wasn't here today, I decide to stay in school today. Then I remembered, I had my phone with Ms. Masons still, So after I got my lunch, I went up to her classroom.

I knocked on the door while she was eating her lunch and she seemed annoyed at me. I mean she could eat me instead but she keeps playing.

Even though she was mad, she got up regardless and opened the door for me but did not let me in. She leaned on the door frame and stared at me intently. Damn. Those eyes.

"What do you want Marcely?"

The way she said my name had me ready to buy a dildo from shein and fuck myself with it. No seriously, they sell vibrators and dildos on there. Don't ask me how I know I just do.

"Ms. Masons." I said her name almost as if I was moaning it.

"I would love to have my phone back." She looked at me, in the most irritated way possible.

"And I would love for you to leave me the hell alone, but here you are."

She looked at me, in the most irritated way possible.
"And I would love for you to leave me the hell alone. But there you are." She says coldly. I scoffed and stared at her baffled. Seriously?

"When do I get it back?"

She was about to close the door on me before I stop it with my arm. That shit hurt. I quickly went inside, and I drag a chair closer to her desk. She looked at me annoyed again before rolling her eyes and telling me to get out. I just sat down, and took out my lunch, I wasn't going to leave until I get that phone back.

"You'll get it back at the end of the day, now leave."
I smirk at her. "But what if I really wanna hang out with my favorite teacher?" She looks at me, clearly irritated.
"Well, why don't you go find that teacher you like so much?" She asks me while smirking.

"I'm with her." I said very confidently. I wasn't the type to be ashamed of the shit I said. I mean, I'm a pretty funny and hot person.

Everyone loves me. Except my sister. I think.
Ms. Masons just gave me an unsure look and went on with whatever she was doing. I wanted to keep bothering her though.

"Where are you from? Or like what's your ethnicity?" I ask her in a curious tone. She looks up at me.

"Can't you tell I'm a white American?" She says slightly annoyed. But still asked me where I was from.

"I'm from here too, but my Mom is from Cuba and my Dad is from Haiti" I answered proudly.

"Ah. Afro-Latina." She said.

"Yes. You should've seen my quince." I told her a bit excited.

Her eyes slightly lit up but she did try to hide it.
"If you give me my phone I'll show you." She then frowns at me.

"I actually thought you weren't gonna be a pain in the ass. Ugh. Marcely Fleur get out."

I smirk at her, and slightly bent over the desk, nothing too bad or anywhere where my ass would stick up.

"You wanna give me some ass pains? Since I give you too much?" I said as I wiggled my brows suggestively.
She did an exasperated sigh before she practically drags me out of the room. Her touch felt so good, her warm hands giving me butterflies.

I must say, Classes weren't too bad today. Except for the fact that I didn't have my phone and I was late to practically every single one. I had to stay after school today with Ms. Masons, because of detention. Which would be going on for the next month or two. I went up to her room for detention, and you guessed it. I was late.

I knock on her door and patiently, but excitedly wait for her to open it for me. She looks at me, literally standing by the door and just glares at me until she finally decides to open the door. I walk in and I can feel her eyes just burning holes in me. She could feel my holes instead though, but once again, she keeps playing.

"You're late again." She says, clearly tired and annoyed at my shenanigans.

I just look at her. "Aren't I always?" I said simply. She just scoffs and goes back to her work.

It's clear I'm not just going to let her do her work in peace and quiet, so I go up and I sabotage everything for her simply by opening my mouth.

I noticed it's raining outside and no one will be able to pick me up. "Soooo... it's raining. And we only have about 15 more minutes of detention left, and I know Florida is a bit bipolar but I'm pretty sure it's going to still be raining by the time those 15 minutes are up."

She doesn't even look up at me "And so? Let it rain." She says in a bored tone.

I squint my eyes at her. "You could give me a ride...?" I asked unsurely.

She finally looks up at me. "Are you asking me or telling me?" I grimaced at that before I answer her. "Both?"

She simply did a 'mtchew' and gave me an ok.

Seriously..? Where the hell did she learn that from? I look at her confused.

"Wait really? You'll give me a ride?" I said with a hint of excitement in my voice.

"Keep being so excited about it and I won't give you one." She said coldly.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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