Prologue: A Family Found

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(Third-Person POV)

On the volcanic world of Nevarro, a planet home to bounty hunters, thieves, and the Empire, a ship docks. Not uncommon on the planet, this planet is, after all, full of bounty hunters. But this ship is different. Its only passengers are rebels. The ship's captain, a green Twi'lek named Hera Syndulla, a brown haired ex-Jedi named Kanan Jarrus, and a droid named Chopper.

The three wouldn't have stopped on Nevarro at all if they weren't out of nearly all of their supplies, including fuel. But they are, and Nevarro was the closest world to them. So they did stop. The Force hums around them, a persistent buzzing, making Kanan think that them stopping here wasn't purely coincidence.

As they make their way into the city, Kanan stops nearly dead in his tracks, realizing that it was indeed the will of the Force that he, Hera, and Chopper stop on Nevarro. He does not because of Imperials or bounty hunters, instead he stops because he senses something, or perhaps someone, within the city. Calling out to him.

"Hera, wait."

Hera stops and turns to face Kanan with a questioning look on her face. At the approach of a gang of bounty hunters, Kanan grabs her arm and pulls Hera into an alley. Kanan pulls the pilot further into the alleyway, and once they turn the corner into a dead end, he positions himself where he can see behind Hera, as well as explain everything to her.

But when he doesn't speak, Hera asks, "Kanan, what is it?"

"There's someone or something here here. The Force is calling to me."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Hera. There's a bright light shining in the Force here. Whoever that light belongs to, they haven't been taken by the Empire. At least, not yet."

Hera raises her eyebrow, and puts one of her hands on her hip. "And I assume you want to go find this person?"

Kanan only nods. Hera sighs, but agrees. She'll get the supplies because she knows everything they need, and she can't use the Force, and Kanan will go to find whoever it is that's calling to him. So the two exit the alley and split up. Hera goes to the stalls that crowd the streets, carefully avoiding the Imperial patrols. Kanan though, threads his way through the different alleyways of the city.

The Jedi follows the warm and sunlike Force signature to an alley where there is a small tent set up. Or, rather it's a couple of ratty blankets put up onto a few sticks. From the front of the tent, Kanan can see two small feet poking out. Kanan gently reaches out through the Force toward the tendrils of light that this apparent child has produced. He prods the threads of light, and the threads in turn turn to examine him.

It takes a moment, but the feet in the tent shift backward and a head pokes out. The head of a small child, whose facial features, despite the dirt and the grim that cover them, make Kanan feel as if he were staring directly into a mirror that showed him himself when he was small, only they belong to a small girl.

The Jedi snaps himself out of his surprise very quickly, and slowly takes a step forward. And another and another, until he is right in front of the tent and the young girl. Kanan kneels down to be on eye level with her, and the two stare at each other for a few moments before Kanan asks,

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Kanan gives the girl a small smile of amusement. "My name's Kanan, what's yours?"

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