Chapter Two: Spark of Rebellion Pt.2

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Barely a couple of weeks after Ezra's joined the crew, we're in a... situation. Again. Only this time, it's entirely Kanan's fault!

Hera and I are piloting The Ghost, Kanan is is the gun up top waiting for a TIE fighter to come into range, and the rest of the crew is in the cockpit with us. Oh, and we're also trying to escape the Imperial Cruiser that's chasing us!

"I don't have a shot!" Kanan says from the top gun.

"Jess, do you have the coordinates?" Hera asks.

"Give me... just a second... and hello, hyperspace!" I input the coordinates and pull the lever and we're away. Safe, for the time being at least.

"Told you we'd get away," Kanan says, walking into the cockpit.

"With the shipment," Sabine reminds him. "You said we'd get away with the shipment."

"Kanan, we're low on everything," Hera says.

"Food," that comes from Ezra.

"Explosives," Sabine chimes.

"Fuel," I remind him.

"We need to make some money, or we might as well put The Ghost in storage," Hera says.

"There's always Vizago's job."

"So we're arms dealers again?" Zeb asks grumpily.

"Mmm. More like arms re-distributors..." Kanan says. Like that makes it any better.

"Come on," Zeb argues. "We don't even know what kind of weapons we're talking about here."

"Hey, if it puts food on the table and frees up some time for, I don't know, Jedi training, then I'm in."

"Seconded!" I pipe up, raising my hand to show my agreement with Ezra.

"You game?" Kanan asks Hera.

"Say I am. What then?"

"I already know the mission. Let's head to the spaceport."

I roll my eyes, but then Kanan starts explaining the plan. The fact that he already knew the mission, that makes me a little suspicious. Oh, who am I kidding! It makes me a lot suspicious. But, I have to say. It doesn't sound like a half bad plan. And if it frees up time for Jedi training, I'm in.

We make it to the spaceport without incident, and Ezra and I separate from the rest of the group with Chopper and everybody else starts getting into position. I've pulled my hair into a tight braid that way it stays out of my way for the duration of this mission.

"Now boarding Star-Commuter Shuttle ST-45... bound for Garel."

We all file into the shuttle. And when Chopper zooms in from behind us, nearly tripping me, it isn't hard to feign irritation. When we go to our seats, Ezra smacks Chopper over the top of his dome before we both slide into the seat. Him on the inside, me on the outside.

From our seats, it's not hard to see Minister Tua of Lothal enter the shuttle with her guest. They takes seats in the very front of the shuttle, right in front of Sabine and Zeb. Perfect.

She's quiet so I don't hear most of what she says, but I do hear when she asks where their translator is.

"Coming, Minister," that comes from a shiny, golden protocol droid. "Come along, R2." I assume R2 is the blue astromech that's following him.

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