my flower

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It was the night of the show, and kuvira had talked to her manager about getting stationed in theater 9. Through an immense amount of convincing and him asking why she cared so much, he eventually agreed.

Kuvira sat in her car, ready to go into her shift where she would be seeing korra perform in her full glory. Prior to today, kuvira always felt strong and witty when it came to attempting to flirt. And even with korra, she was able to keep that strength. But she realized that, when she actually likes someone, it gets more difficult. With baatar, it was never an issue. But...... she now knows she obviously never liked baatar....or any man for that matter.

Kuvira held onto the steering wheel, palms sweaty. She spaced out, staring at the wall of the theater ahead of her. She slowly realized how nervous she really was. She could feel her arms shake, and her leg started to bounce up and down. She had to be overthinking it. Right?

*right?* she thought. *I mean... obviously, I'm going to see her after the show....and it's not like she'll think I'm weird or I'll stumble over my words....right?*

She continued her thoughts out loud. "Because I' or something..."

She took a deep breath and let it out, steadying herself. She then looked over to her passenger seat, at the bouquet of flowers she had bought. Her eyes widened an extra bit.

"Oh god, she's gonna think I'm weird..."

As kuvira walked into the theater, she felt her chest get heavier. The air she breathed felt thicker. She had finally reached it. Theater 9. She walked in, and obviously, no one there. Not yet, at least. Kuvira may have been there to watch the performance, but she was still on the clock, and she needed to be there before any audience members were. As she stood toward the back of the theater, she watched as cast members scurried across the stage floor. Everyone making sure their props were in their respected places, crew members doing last-minute checks on the flies, and actors warming up backstage and in the wings, blowing raspberries and doing high staccatos.

Kuvira looked down at her bouquet of asphodels as she got lost in her thoughts. * Did I really have to go and get a whole bouquet for her? That's seems a bit extra.... maybe just one flower? No, that seems even more extra for some reason.. I put so much thought into picking what kind I should get. Will she even understand it?* she rolled her eyes. *shit. What am I doing? I can't be holding these! I need to look tough. How the hell am I supposed to do that when people can see I got flowers for someone. That's like... the opposite of tough! But yet again.... I can't just throw them out. I spent good money on these and you know what? I need to show korra I care and that I'm not some douche bag.* kuvira furrowed her eyebrows in her newfound determination.

"Oh hey kuvira!"

Kuvira flinched a slight by the sudden yell of her name.

"Oh. Hey, Holly."

"You okay? You seem a bit.... skiddish there..." Holly said, concerned.

"No, I'm fine."

"Well... I'm glad you could get in here tonight!" Holly looked down, seeing the flowers kuvira held. She looked back up with a raised eyebrow and a crooked smirk on her face. "Did you get flowers for someone?" She said, giggling.

"Uh...." she cleared her throat. "Wh....yeah...uh.."

Holly stared in utter shock. "! Kuvira! You did!?"

"I mean...hey, is it that big of a deal?" Kuvira replied with a slight nervous chuckle.

"It is if it's got your face that red!"

Kuvira averted her eyes away from Holly, trying to keep her cool, but the embarrassment was too much to handle.

Holly chuckled. "You want me to give them to someone? I can bring them right backstage?"

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