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Ethan had always been an energetic teenager with a zest for life and a love for discovery. He loved playing video games and hanging out with his friends. He had some stress issues, but to this moment, his life was luckily without to much worries.

As the pressures of school and life in general increased, he had more and more trouble sleeping, but his world, however, took a sharp turn when he started experiencing problems with his bladder. He started having accidents, an issue that would become an arduous constant in his life.

First it was just at night, as after a while he woke up wet almost every night. But then he started to get daytime accidents as well. They went to see a doctor several times, but as of yet no solution was found.

His mother, Jennifer, getting tired of washing wet sheets and clothes, had recently made a decision to help him manage this issue, a decision that Ethan was struggling to accept.

One evening, she entered Ethan's bedroom, a package of diapers in her hands. Ethan, who was lying on his bed, looked at his mother with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "I won't wear them, Mom," he said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I'm not a baby!"

Jennifer sighed, her heart aching for her son. She knew how hard this was for him. She took a seat next to him on the bed, placing the package aside for a moment. "Ethan," she began, her voice soft and soothing, "I understand how you're feeling. This is not an easy situation and it's okay to be upset. I want you to know that this doesn't make you any less of a person. It's just a different way to handle a problem."

"But it's embarrassing, Mom! I can't go to school or hang out with my friends. I can't even play soccer anymore!" Ethan's eyes welled up with tears, a reflection of his inner turmoil.

Jennifer gave her son's hand a gentle squeeze. "Ethan, we're getting help. We're seeing doctors and they're trying to find out what's causing this. But until they do, we need a solution that helps you continue to do what you love without worrying all the time. And trust me, having a wet diaper hidden under your pants is a lot less embarrassing that having wet your pants in front of all your friends. You're lucky it hadn't happened yet, but the way things are going, it's bound to happen soon."

Ethan looked down ashamed, knowing his mother was right. She picked up the package of diapers, holding them out to her son. "These aren't a punishment, Ethan. They're a tool. Just like glasses help people see better, these help you manage your bladder issues. This doesn't define you, Ethan. You're still the same bright, funny, and talented boy."

Ethan looked at his mother, his eyes still filled with uncertainty. "But what if people find out?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"If they do, we'll deal with it," Jennifer said. "People who care about you will understand. And those who don't, well, it's their loss. Remember, everyone has challenges. Some are visible, some aren't. This is yours, and it's okay."

A silence descended upon the room as Ethan mulled over his mother's words. He squeezed his mother's hand back, a silent acknowledgement of her support.

"Okay, Mom," he finally said, a resigned acceptance in his voice. "I'll try it."

Jennifer smiled, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "That's all I'm asking, Ethan. Just give it a try. We'll get through this together."

While Ethan got undressed, she put a changing mat in his bed and laid the diaperand supplies ready. "Come on, Ethan, let's het you ready for bed."

Still a bit reluctant Ethan got on the changing mat trying to keep his hand in front of his privates.

His mother chuckled. "Just relax, honey, it's nothing I haven't seen before."

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