Chapter 2: Legitimaticy questioned

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*A few days before Aemond and Rosalia's wedding in Princess Rosalia's guest bedchambers one afternoon*
~Third Person's POV~
It was now a few days before the wedding and Aemond found himself in my guest room that used to be my mother's old bedchambers and he was helping me finish getting ready the sun was beginning to se casting a warm glow through the windows. Aemond had adjusted the folds of my dress his fingers deftly working through the intricate fabric "You look stunning Rosalia are you nervous about the wedding?" he asked in a gentle voice before kissing her on the lips. Rosalia smiled, though there was a hint of anxiety in her eyes. "A little but having you here makes it easier. Thank you for helping me." Aemond nodded his expression serious. "Of course we're in this together no matter what happens." As they finished a knock on the door interrupted their moment. Her handmaiden Lady Solera came into the room and spoke "The families are waiting for you both in the throne room the Lord Hand said that the meeting will be starting soon." Rosalia glanced at Aemond who gave her a reassuring nod "Let's go hear him out," he said turning to Solera.

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~Princess Rosalia and Prince Aemond's POV~

Once in the throne room we saw Vaemond Velayron standing in front of the throne in mid speech arguing that he should be the rightful heir to Driftmark, given his pure bloodline he challenged the legitimacy of my half-sister's children, claiming th...

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Once in the throne room we saw Vaemond Velayron standing in front of the throne in mid speech arguing that he should be the rightful heir to Driftmark, given his pure bloodline he challenged the legitimacy of my half-sister's children, claiming they are bastards and should not inherit the throne. House Black supports Rhaenyra and stands firm that her children and my betroth are legitimate and that Laenor Velayron (Rhaenyra's late husband) was their father. They argue that Vaemond's claims are baseless and an attempt to usurp the rightful heirs but I have a feeling that it won't end there. Meanwhile my family's side was supporting the claims of Lord Vaemond, sees this as an opportunity to weaken my sister's position and support their claim to the Iron Throne there was too much tension in the room presenting their own arguments with the fate of Driftmark and the legitimacy of my niece and nephews hanging in the balance.

While listening to the arguments of who should inherit the Driftmark throne Aemond and I were standing away from our families because it would cause chaos, so we decided to stand by the steps of the throne together our presence added weight to the proceedings. I was poised with demeaner listening intently my eyes fixed on Lord Vaemond while linking an arm with Aemond who was caressing my arm to relax me. Aemond stood beside me his gaze was unwavering as he supported Vaemond's claims (which he shouldn't because it goes to Lucerys as Lord Corlys wanted).

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